Palestine Cry

The Truth of God and Our Lord Jesus Christ

Special Palestine Cry Blog articles: The Catholic Creed: The meaning of the Pasch of Christians.


For as it was not possible that the man who had once for all been conquered, and who had been destroyed through disobedience, could reform himself, and obtain the prize of victory; and as it was also impossible that he could attain to salvation who had fallen under the power of sin,-the Son effected both these things, being the Word of God, descending from the Father, becoming incarnate, stooping low, even to death, and consummating the arranged plan of our salvation, upon whom [Paul], exhorting us unhesitatingly to believe, again says, "Who shall ascend into heaven? that is, to bring down Christ; or who shall descend into the deep? that is, to liberate Christ again from the dead." Then he continues, "If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shall be saved." And he renders the reason why the Son of God did these things, saying, "For to this end Christ both lived, and died, and revived, that He might rule over the living and the dead." And again, writing to the Corinthians, he declares, "But we preach Christ Jesus crucified; "and adds, "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? " - St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book III, Chapter XVIII, Section 2.

The Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, Mary and John and the women at the foot of the Cross

Matthew 27:45 Now from the sixth hour, there was darkness over all the earth, until the ninth hour.

Origen tell us this darkness was only in Palestine, and the neighbouring countries: for as to the words, over the whole earth, or over the whole land, we find one kingdom or empire, by a common way of speaking, called the whole earth, or the whole world. As to the cause of the obscuration of the sun; and secondly, as to the extent of its darkness. Origen tells us that the darkness was partial, and confined to Judea and the neighbouring countries, as the darkness of Egypt was only perceived in that country, and not in Gessen, where the children of Israel were. Saint Jerome tells us that the obscurity was caused by the rays of the sun being suddenly withdrawn by divine power, as was the case in Egypt. The darkness in Egypt during the Passover of Moses was due to God's protection withdrawn from that land at that time. The darkness when Christ was Crucified for us is the judgement of God upon His Son Jesus Christ, in our place. For Jesus Christ knew NO sin. He never sinned, nor could He ever.

The meaning of the Pasch of Christians.

The Book of Wisdom, Chapter 17, describes the devils and demons thrown back upon the Egyptians when the Israelites under Moses were brought out of Egypt by God for God’s purposes (to prepare a place for the Crucifixion of Our Lord for the Redemption of the whole world of those who are saved). In the same way the same false gods and goddesses that the Egyptians served and which in so doing were the reason the Egyptians sacrificed their sons and daughters to the devils and demons behind the false gods/goddesses were the spirits that killed the Egyptian children that perished when the Israelites were brought out of Egypt. God does not murder children, period. The angel of death which destroyed in Egypt was one of the fallen spirits. God did not cause any of the fallen spirits to hurt anyone. God allowed the fallen spirits to do what it is their nature do to when He brought the Israelites out of the gates of hell which was Egypt. The children below the age of reason that died went to be with God for eternity, they will be resurrected with the just at the Second Coming of Christ. This principle of God allowing the innocent to be afflicted along with guilty finds its ultimate fulfillment in Christ’s singular and only salvific Kenosis. Jesus Christ committed no sin, not ever nor could He, and was and is and only could be utterly and absolutely and completely innocent of any and all wrongdoing and sin by His very nature as the Holy and True God. The guiltless sacrificed by His own will for the guilty. Even when the innocent are afflicted by the actions and evils instigated by the fallen spirits in the world, the innocent are not possessed by those fallen spirits. The principle of all being afflicted by the evil set loose upon the world for its unrepentant sin will occur when the universal plagues are let loose upon the world. See Apocalypse 16

The principle of our always, for our part, protecting children is given us by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 18

1 At *that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who, thinkest thou, is the greater in the kingdom of heaven?

2 *And Jesus calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them,

3 And said: Amen I say unto you, *unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven.

5 And he that shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me.

10 Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, *that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

The principle of our ONLY worshipping the True God, the Father and the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is given first in the historical truth of the Garden of Eden when Christ, who is the Tree of Life commands the first man and his wife, Adam and Eve to not have anything to do with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which is Satan, the first fallen angel, nor with any of the fallen angels with Satan. Assisi of Babylon/Vatican/Rome is absolute and complete violation of that principle and is the Great Apostasy in full blown Satanic evil. Have nothing to do with the Vatican or suffer its eternal damnation in hell with it. The devil and demon worshipping pagans and the perfidious deicidal Jews are not ever any part of the Salvific action of Christ upon Golgotha/Calvary. Individual pagans and Jews if they repent of their not confessing Jesus Christ as the Immortal Son of God become flesh for our sake and sacrificed for our salvation and who confess publicly their sin of devil and demon worshipping and perfidy and deicide and who beg the Lord of all, the Lord God, the Father and the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for forgiveness of their horrid and abominable sins, can and will be forgiven if they do so now in this life and will enter into the only path of salvation there is as dictated by God Himself. The Church, all the faithful – there is no other meaning acceptable to God for the word Church, is commanded by God to not have anything to do with the Apostasy.

Book of Wisdom, Chapter 17

1 For thy judgments, O Lord, are great, and thy words cannot be expressed: therefore undisciplined souls have erred.

2 For while the wicked thought to be able to have dominion over the holy nation, they themselves being fettered with the bonds of darkness, and a long night, shut up in their houses, lay there exiled from the eternal providence.

3 And while they thought to lie hid in their obscure sins, they were scattered under a dark veil of forgetfulness, being horribly afraid and troubled with exceeding great astonishment.

4 For neither did the den that held them, keep them from fear: for noises coming down troubled them, and sad visions appearing to them, affrighted them.

5 And no power of fire could give them light, neither could the bright flames of the stars enlighten that horrible night.

6 But there appeared to them a sudden fire, very dreadful: and being struck with the fear of that face, which was not seen, they thought the things which they saw to be worse:

7 And the delusions of their magic art were put down, and their boasting of wisdom was reproachfully rebuked.

8 For they who promised to drive away fears and troubles from a sick soul, were sick themselves of a fear worthy to be laughed at.

9 For though no terrible thing disturbed them: yet being scared with the passing by of beasts, and hissing of serpents, they died for fear: and denying that they saw the air, which could by no means be avoided.

10 For whereas wickedness is fearful, it beareth witness of its condemnation: for a troubled conscience always forecasteth grievous things.

11 For fear is nothing else but a yielding up of the succours from thought.

12 And while there is less expectation from within, the greater doth it count the ignorance of that cause which bringeth the torment.

13 But they that during that night, in which nothing could be done, and which came upon them from the lowest and deepest hell, slept the same sleep.

14 Were sometimes molested with the fear of monsters, sometimes fainted away, their soul failing them: for a sudden and unlooked for fear was come upon them.

15 Moreover if any of them had fallen down, he was kept shut up in prison without irons.

16 For if any one were a husbandman, or a shepherd, or a labourer in the field, and was suddenly overtaken, he endured a necessity from which he could not fly.

17 For they were all bound together with one chain of darkness. Whether it were a whistling wind, or the melodious voice of birds, among the spreading branches of trees, or a fall of water running down with violence,

18 Or the mighty noise of stones tumbling down, or the running that could not be seen of beasts playing together, or the roaring voice of wild beasts, or a rebounding echo from the highest mountains: these things made them to swoon for fear.

19 For the whole world was enlightened with a clear light, and none were hindered in their labours.

20 But over them only was spread a heavy night, an image of that darkness which was to come upon them. But they were to themselves more grievous than the darkness.

The Catholic Creed: The Final Trial: Traditional Catholic Prayers: Baptism

Monday, October 28, 2013

Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News

Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News

100 Days under the Rule of the Judge-President in Egypt

قوانين جائرة وكيل بمكيالين : العدالة في 100 يوم من حكم الرئيس – القاضي
NO_LAW13Yesterday Oct. 27 2013, The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information released a report monitors the situation of Justice and the Rule of Law in Egypt after 100 Days of ousting an accused civil President Mohammad Morsi.
The Egyptian President Adly Mansour, the judge, has failed to lay the foundations of the state of justice as well as the rule of law during the 100-day of his ruling; following his appointment as the interim president of Egypt after ousting the former president Mohamed Morsi, as millions of Egyptian people took to the streets calling for his overthrow. Despite the fact that the minister of interior- Judge Adel Abdel Hamid, the new attorney general- Judge Hesham Barakat, and his assistant-Judge Adel Al-Saeed, in addition to the Minister of Interior are responsible for the absence of justice and wasting the laws, but the president bears the full responsibility, like the former president Hosni Mubarak, the Military junta and the former president Mohamed Morsi, for whether appointing anti-freedoms ministers or for turning a blind eye to the tyrannical practices that entrench the police state again, said ANHRI.
This came in a report issued by the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information titled “Draconian Laws and Double Standards: Justice in 100 Days under the Rule of President-a Judge”. The report tackles examples of laws against the freedoms and human rights and enacted by the Minister of Justice Adel Abdel Hamid and his assistant Omar Al-Sherif, who is in his post since the ruling of the autocratic Mubarak.
These laws are the protest law, the law of extending pre-trial detention period and the terrorism law, which has been termed the “anti-terrorism” law. In addition to other laws and ministerial practices as well as decisions that waste the human rights as well as the rights of those who are remanded in custody. Starting from the investigations in the central security camps, up to the the decision of holding trials in the prisons; violating the foundations of a fair trial, in addition to the absence of transparency and the information concerning the incidents for which hundreds of Egyptian people paid its price by their souls.

This report is to alert that the road-map announced by the military forces to achieve a civil democratic rule, can’t be achieved through wasting the values of the rule of law, justice, double standards and exceptional measures, as they are not the right path to achieve the human dignity and social justice, which are the main goals of the revolution.

قوانين جائرة وكيل بمكيالين : العدالة في 100 يوم من حكم الرئيس – القاضي
اصدرت الشبكة العربية لمعلومات حقوق الإنسان ومقرها مصر تقريرا مطولا يرصد أوضاع العدالة وسيادة القانون بعد 100 من عزل رئيس مدني متهم وذلك تحت عنوان: مائة يوم من حكم رئيس قاضي, عدالة غائبة، وقوانين جائرة
وأوضح التقرير: عقب نجاح  ثورة 25يناير في الإطاحة بالديكتاتور الأسبق حسني مبارك واجباره على التنحي ، خرج أحد أعضاء المجلس العسكري في 11فبراير 2011  ليؤدي التحية العسكرية لشهداء الثورة ، ومتعهدا باحترام حقوقهم وتحقيق مطالب الثورة ،إلا أن المجلس العسكري وخلال 18 شهرا تولى فيها مقاليد السلطة في مصر ، قام باجراء محاكمات عسكرية ظالمة لنحو 12 ألف مواطن مصري  اغلبهم من الشباب الفقراء – و غابت العدالة خلال هذه الفترة ، وتم التوسع في سياسة الافلات من العقاب لا سيما للمتهمين بقتل شهداء الثورة ، ساعده في ذلك بعض رموز نظام مبارك مثل النائب العام عبدالمجيد محمود ومساعده المستشار عادل السعيد ووزير العدل المستشار عادل عبدالحميد ، مما أدى الى تصاعد الاحتجاجات ضد هذا المجلس العسكري الذي تسبب في إستشهاد 215 شهيد أخرين ، حتى أجريت الانتخابات الرئاسية ونجح فيها الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسي
تعهد الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسي بالانتصار للثورة وخرج على المصريين في ميدان التحرير مؤكدا على حق الشعب في الخروج ضده اذا تراخى أو فشل ، ومؤكدا أن دماء شهداء الثورة في رقبته
وبدلا من إعمال سيادة القانون والبدء في اجراء الاصلاحات الضرورية سواء لوزارة الداخلية أو أجهزة الاعلام أو إنفاذ قانون استقلال السلطة القضائية ، أهدر القانون وتواطئ بدوره على العدالة حينما قام بتكريم المتهمين من المجلس العسكري بدلا من إصدار قراره ببدء التحقيق معهم ، ثم تغول على السلطة القضائية وعلى الثورة باعلان دستوري تحول فيه من رئيس دولة إلى نصف إله ونصف ديكتاتور ، بمنح نفسه سلطة التشريع والرئاسة وعزل النائب العام –الذي كان يتحتم رحيله ولكن عبر قانون السلطة القضائية وليس بقرار منفرد له- وقام بتعيين نائب عام قام جديد ، عبر الاجهاز على  البقية الضئيلة من استقلال القضاء ، ليصبح المصريين ولا سيما شباب الثورة من غير أعضاء جماعة الاخوان المسلمين متهمين إلى ان تثبت برائتهم
وتم عزل الرئيس السابق محمد مرسي عقب انحياز القوات المسلحة لتظاهرات 30يونيو الحاشدة ، وتم وضع خارطة طريق تضمنت خطوات لإقرار العدالة والسير قدما في طريق الديمقراطية ، وتم تعيين رئيس المحكمة الدستورية المستشار عدلي منصور رئيسا مؤقتا للجمهورية ، ليؤكد بدوره على التزامه بتحقيق مطالب الثورة والانحياز لسيادة القانون. البقية على هذا الرابط

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News

Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News

PA Plundered 2.5 Billion Euros of EU Aid

Eu court of JusticeI repeatedly called the attention of the EU and member countries, in past articles, to the corruption of the PA and the transfer huge sums of EU tax-payer money to the so-called PA, which is run by professional thieves, to the looting these funds, which have been provided as support for the Palestinians since even before the establishment of the Palestinian Authority during the era which was called the “Palestinian Revolution”. See: EU Ignores Internal Problems and Donates Millions to the PA
I published several reports in which I highlighted the theft of funds provided to cover the expenses of the Palestinian social security system, the huge amounts of money supposedly sent into the social fund and which is purposed to provide the income of a month to the poor people, but was not paid out to the social beneficiaries in a timely manner.
“The EU and other friendly states provided money aids to the PA in order enable them to pay the benefits of the recipients of social security and retirement pensions. The EU helps to cover the allocation of 750 shekels monthly for each recipient of social security money, but because of the corruption and the thefts from these money pools, the social cases now receive their 750 shekels of social security money not monthly but once each three months.” See: Theft of the EU Social Allowances 
ensemble-batimentsIn addition, I pointed out how the PA is paying fictitious salaries to people who reside in Arab countries outside of Palestine, or to others with duplicated names, or to people who receive multiple salaries from several different PA institutions, or PA elements who use Palestinian funds to travel abroad and stay at luxury hotels to dancing parties celebrated under the names of occasions which concern Fatah, Abbas party, and lastly the practice of paying salaries to deceased people. For example, the transfer of payments to the (former) mistress of the deceased President Yasser Arafat, Rashida Mahran, an Egyptian woman who carried several names and who had personal and financial ties with several PA elements. Mahran had been living in Egypt for decades but was still receiving a monthly salary from the PA, even after she died on past November 2 2012. See: Corruption and the Mistresses of President Arafat /
Theft of the EU Social Allowances
 “Thousands of slots on the PA payroll are actually people who have never seen the doors of their supposed offices in Palestine; they are simply minions of the regime who live in luxury around the world. The same can be said of hundreds of diplomatic employees personnel in the EU and around the world, where minions and the corrupt as untalented relatives of the well-connected occupy offices far above their abilities and are paid far in excess of any supposedly rendered “services”. Over the years I have met enough Palestinian “employees” who, while receiving monthly salaries because the hold a certain position, I know for certain that they have never seen the embassies where they supposedly work from the inside.”
I forwarded my reports to EU officials and even wrote to office of Catherine Ashton, the vice-president and high representative of the Union for foreign affairs and security policy.
“… It is very clear that the EU donations reach ONLY a certain class of the Palestinians. Among the beneficiaries of the EU largesse are the President Abbas himself and his family, the other higher-ups in the PA and the PLO and their respective families, and assorted collaborators.
How does the EU explain, for example, what it means that President Abbas spends five million Euros monthly for the expenses of his house and family, and another five million Euros as travel expenses? The President Who Can Be Described As A Fat Cat
And how does the EU explain the causes of extreme poverty affecting beyond 70% of Palestinians while Abbas and his coterie of knaves and fat cats live in unimaginable luxury in Ramallah? …” Full letter to Ashton:
Today, after long years of PA corruption and theft of money paid by taxpayers of the European Union, at a time when a number of EU countries are on the brink of declaring bankruptcy, and after the fat cats of the PA, these well-known thieves have amassed plenty of wealth deposited in international banks and tax-havens, among them supposedly banks in the  Principality of Liechtenstein, the EU has begun to awaken from the deliberate slumber and deep silence on the massive theft of the PA, and has begun investigating the whereabouts of the plundered 2.5 Billion Euros which the EU has sent as aid to the PA. See: Supreme Judicial Council Steals 430.000 EUR From EU Donations
The sudden awakening of the EU is not innocent and it has nothing to do with ending the corruption, but it is being used as a stick to beat the fat cats of the PA and urge them to further renounce Palestinian national rights for the benefit of the zionist israeli occupation. The EU has also started to think how to replace some of the highest exponents of the PA and impose others (who are more corrupt and associated closer to the Israel occupation) like Muhammad Dahlan, a mossad operative and former commander of death squads in the Gaza Strip and who is currently residing in Dubai.
In a nutshell, the EU and EU countries involved in the PA corruption are mis-using EU taxpayer money to prop up a dictator and a corrupt gangster regime. There are doubts about EU officials involved in corruption of the Palestinian Authority, which did not start today, but which has extended over years under the cover of the EU officials. Below is a summary of what has been published about the disappearance of European funds by the Palestinian Authority:
The investigators drew comparisons to similar experiences of corruption and the poor utilization of aid money in Egypt, where a total amount of one billion euros has disappeared over the last six years
The Sunday Times newspaper in the UK has obtained a draft report by the EU that underlines the concern that the Palestinian Authority has lost 2.5 billion euros in aid over the last four years. The newspaper obtained the unpublished draft report from the European Court, an official EU institution based in Luxembourg, and disclosed its contents on Sunday.
According to the report, the EU transferred a total of 2.5 billion euros in aid between 2008 and 2012, but it does not know where the funds were directed.
The newspaper revealed that the EU recently sent a delegation to occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to investigate the way aid is being handled. The investigators confirmed, according to the report, the absence of any administrative procedures to prevent the exploitation of aid and expressed a real fear that the funds have been “misspent, squandered or lost to corruption”.
The investigators drew comparisons to similar experiences of corruption and the poor utilization of aid money in Egypt, where a total amount of one billion euros has disappeared over the last six years.

حذرنا مرار وتكرارا دول الإتحاد الأوروبي من تحويل مبالغ مالية ضخمة لما يسمى بالسلطة الفلسطينية التي يديرها لصوص محترفون في سرقة ونهب أموال الدعم المقدمة للشعب الفلسطيني منذ ما قبل تأسيس السلطة الفلسطينية, أي في عهد ما كان يسمى بالثورة الفلسطينية. نشرت تقاريرا عدة تحدثت فيها حول عدم وصول اموال المنح الأوروبية المقدمة للفقراء الفلسطينيين, وإقتطاع مبالغ ضخمة منها وتقديم راتب الشهر الواحد مرة كل ثلاثة شهور
نشرت تقاريرا متعددة تحدثت فيها حول عدم وصول الأموال المقدمة للفقراء الفلسطينيين, وإقتطاع مبالغ ضخمة منها وتقديم راتب الشهر الواحد مرة كل ثلاثة شهور, إضافة إلى دفع رواتب وهمية لموظفين ودبلوماسيين وأشخاص أموات يقيمون في بلاد عربية وأجنبية وأوروبية خارج فلسطين, وعلى سبيل المثال تحويل مبالغ مالية إلى عشيقة سابقة للرئيس عرفات, رشيدة مهران حتى بعد وفاتها في نوفمبر 2 2012
اليوم وبعد سنوات طويلة من الفساد وسرقة أموال دافعي الضرائب الأوروبية ممن تواجه بلدانهم أوضاعا إقتصادية سيئة قد تعلن بموجبها عدد من الدول الأوروبية إفلاسها, وبعد أن كون لصوص السلطة الفلسطينية رصيدا وافرا من الثروة المودعة في بنوك عالمية وأخرى في إمارة ليختنشتاين, بدات تفوق دول الإتحاد الأوروبي من سباتها العميق وسكوتها المتعمد الذي شكل غطاء واقيا لسرقات السلطة الفلسطينية, وشرعت اليوم تحقق في إختفاء بليونين ونصف
وأعتقد أن الصحوة المفاجئة لدول الأتحاد الأوروبي ليست بالنزيهة, وإنما إستخدمت كعصا من أجل جلد رموز في السلطة الفلسطينية وحثهم على تقديم مزيد من التنازل من الأرض الفلسطينية لصالح دولة الأحتلال الصهيوني خلال المفاوضات العقيمة السرية والعلنية التي يقودها رئيس منتهي الصلاحية منذ عام 2009, أي رئيس غير شرعي بموحب القانون الدولي
ويبدو أن دول الأتحاد ألوروبي التي يتربع على عرشها ويدير سياسيتها الخارجية دبلوماسيون من أصول يهودية, بدأوا يفكرون في إستبدال بعض رموز السلطة الفلسطينية وفرض آخرين آكثر فسادا وعمالة لإسرائيل منهم, أمثال عمبل الموساد الصهيونيي محمد دحلان, وهو أيضا قائد عصابات فرق الموت سابقا في قطاع غزة, ويقيم حاليا في دولة الأمارات العربية – دبي
وختصار شديد فأن دول الإتحاد الأوروبي متورطة في بعثرة أموال الضرائب الأوروبية, وتدور الشكوك أيضا حول تورط مسؤولين اوروبين في فساد السلطة الفلسطينية الذي لم يحدث طفرة, بل إمتد عبر سنوات طويلة من سكوت دول الإتحاد الأوروبي عليه وغطاءه دون حياء أو خجل
وفيما أدناه ملخص لما نشر حول إختفاء الأموال الأوروبية
هيئة أوروبية تحقق في اختفاء 2.5 مليار يورو وصلت السلطة الفلسطينية
    قالت ميدل إيست مونيتور نقلا عن صحيفة الصانداي تايمز البريطانية إنها حصلت على مسودة تقرير رسمي للاتحاد الأوربي يؤكد الخشية من اختفاء نحو 2.5 مليار يورو تم تحويلها للسلطة
ونوهت الصحيفة إلى أنها حصلت على مسودة لم تنشر بعد من تقرير صادر عن المحكمة الأوروبية للرقابة – وهي إحدى مؤسسات الاتحاد الأوروبي الرسمية ومقرها لوكسمبورج
ووفقا للتقرير المنشور أعلاه في هذا التقرير، فقد حول الاتحاد الأوربي ما مجموعه 2.5 مليار يورو بين عامي 2008 -2012، لكن لا يعرف أحد حتى اليوم إلى أين وصلت هذه المبالغ. (إضافة منا: اي سرقت ونهبت ودخلت أرقام حسابات متنفذين في سلطة عباس وشركاتهم)
وأشارت الصحيفة إلى وصول محققين من الاتحاد الأوربي مؤخرًا إلى شرقي القدس المحتلة والضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة، والذين بدورهم وصفوا طريقة إدارة أموال المساعدات “بالقاصرة جدا
وأكد المحققون، حسب التقرير، على عدم وجود أي إجراءات إدارية تحول دون الاستغلال السيئ للأموال، وقالوا إنّ هنالك خشية حقيقية من الاستغلال غير المشروع أو التبذير أو أن تلك الأموال اختفت بفعل عمليات فساد ضخمة
وتحدث المحققون عن حدوث حالات مشابهة من الفساد والاستغلال السيئ لأموال المساعدات في الأموال المحولة لمصر خلال السنوات الست الأخيرة، حيث اختفى ما مجموعة مليار يورو

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Gratulation zum Eid Al-Adha

DSC_2266Europe & Middle East News gratuliert alle Arabische und Islamische Völker der Erde eine gesegnete Feier des Eid Al-Adha und wünscht Ihnen zu dieser alles Gute. Wir hofen, dass im kommenden Jahr sowohl Muslime wie auch alle anderen Völker ihr Streben nach Frieden und Stabilität realisiert sehen, sowie viele Segnungen für Sie alle.
Europe & Middle East News sends congratulation and blessing to all Arab and Islamic nations around the world on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha. We hope that the Eid will come next year while Muslims as well as all other Nations of the world have realized the aspirations of peace and stability and that in the new year and you are blessed and fine.
تتقدم أسرة تحرير (أخبار أوروبا والشرق الأوسط) من الامتين العربية والاسلامية، والعالم أجمع بأسمى ايات التهنئة والتبريك، بمناسبة حلول عيد الأضحى. اعاده الله على المسلمين وشعوب العالم وقد تحققت أماني السلام والإستقرار, وكل عام وانتم بخير

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UK, It's Time To Apologise, International Balfour Campaign

Meeting at British Parliament: Britain, It’s Time To Apologize, International Balfour Campaign – The balfourPalestinian Return Centre (PRC) is organizing a seminar at the British parliament to mark the 96th anniversary of Balfour declaration and provide an update on our campaign “Britain, It’s Time To Apologize, International Balfour Campaign”
The seminar will take place on Monday, 4th of November 2013, at Houses of Parliament, Portcullis House, Wilson Room, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. It will be hosted by Jeremy Corbyn MP.
Palestinian Ambassador in Britain, Manuel Hassassian, will be a key speaker at the event. The three signatories of the campaign Baroness Jenny Tonge, Lord Ahmed Nazir, Jeremy Corbyn MP, will also be speaking at the event. Sameh Habeeb, head of PRC media department and the coordinator for the campaign in Europe will join the panelist. A number of other MPs, politicians and activists will also speak.
balfour-declaration aPRC with other partners around the world collected thousands of emails in its global campaign to mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration.
The campaign will run for five years to galvanize international support in seeking an apology from British authorities, for the many human rights violations in Palestine during British Mandate.
General Director of PRC and the campaign general coordinator Majed Alzeer stated that activities of the campaign are expanding and more politicians and decision makers are joining, in Britain and worldwide.
Alzeer called on all organisations working for Palestine to join the campaign as equal partners.
Meanwhile, Campaign coordinator in the Arab region, Ali Hewidi, added that there is great momentum for the campaign across the many communities of Palestinian people as well as Arabs.
Hewidi said that key Lebanese politician, former PM, Selim al-Hoss signed and joined the campaign.

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Israeli Wastewater Treatment Plant Designed to Benefit Zionist Colonies in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

wadi -Al NarAl-Haq for Human Rights is gravely concerned by the Israeli authorities plans to build a municipal wastewater treatment plant in Wadi al-Nar, what so-called “Kidron Valley”, in occupied East Jerusalem. This wastewater treatment plant will treat wastewater originating from households in East Jerusalem, including settlements. The wastewater will undergo initial, partial treatment in a facility run by the settlement organisation the Jordan Valley Water Association. The partially treated wastewater will subsequently be used for irrigation in settlements in the Jordan Valley and northern Dead Sea area.
As the Occupying Power, Israel has the obligation to protect the occupied population and ensure public order and safety. However, it must carry out its responsibilities for the benefit of the occupied population and may under no circumstances administer the territory to further its own interests. The proposed wastewater treatment plant will serve the Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, thereby solidifying their existence and perpetuating violations of international law.
Furthermore, the wastewater treatment plant will primarily benefit the settlement enterprise – a project that has received the unconditional financial and political support of successive Israeli governments. The flourishing agricultural environment in the West Bank, particularly in the Jordan Valley area, coupled with the exploitation of water and other natural resources found in occupied territory, has turned Israeli settlements into profitable enterprises.
The construction of infrastructure, provision of water resources by the Israeli government, and the establishment of export companies that trade with the European Union, including the Netherlands, have driven the success of such enterprises. These steps have proven essential in reinforcing and consolidating the settlement enterprise at the expense of the occupied Palestinian population and its economy.

Commenting on the issue, Al-Haq Director Shawan Jabarin stated: “The planned wastewater treatment plant will contribute to maintaining and supporting illegal settlements in the OPT and towards making Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem irreversible.” Shawan Jabarin further cautions “all actors, including potential donors and international corporations, involved in the designing, development and construction of the plant against playing a role in undermining the chances of a just peace for the Palestinian people.”
Considering that this project may receive support from Dutch actors, including Dutch legal entities, Al-Haq highlights the Dutch Prosecutor’s recent recognition in the Riwal-case that Dutch nationals, including legal entities, can be held criminally responsible for violations of IHL under Dutch criminal law. Al-Haq therefore strongly urges all actors to terminate any involvement in the wastewater treatment plant.

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Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination in Science

Submitted by Dr. med. Nadim Sradj, M.A., Regensburg, Germany.
Contents: Intellectual Foundations, The Political Philosophy of Racism, Parallels between Physics in the Third Reich and Bio-Ophthalmology today, Conclusion
000_2897Synopsis: Racism in science is traceable back to, among others, Hegel’s German idealism. In his observations of world history, peoples are classified hierarchically and imperialistically. In the Third Reich one differentiated between ‘German’ or ‘Nordic’ or ‘Jewish’ physics. A theory has more enemies the more comprehensive and abstract it is, in particular at that point where a worldview senses an impact. An example for this is Einstein’s theory of relativity.
In our study, the rejection of the theory of relativity at that time is to be juxtaposed with the rejection of thermodynamics and catastrophe theory in ophthalmology in the present day. Einstein’s experience was that resistance not only came from experts, but that it was equally held by the majority of the society. This frequently applies today. The basis of racism, prejudice, and discrimination is irrational and psycho-pathologically motivated.
Our manifesto Global Science – 10 Theses for a Scientific Conception of the 21st century, which has expressly been advocated by UNESCO, is our constructive and progressive answer to this contradictory intellectual situation.
The seventh thesis of our manifesto warns of the misinterpretation of science as power in the service of raison d’état and particular interests. Corruption, xenophobia, and discrimination can only be effectively combated by independent, international jurisdiction.

Intellectual Foundations 
History tells humanity who we are. One should expect that humankind learns from history.
When history is understood as ‘progress in the consciousness of freedom,’ as Hegel formulated it, its course is necessarily bound up with struggle and idealism. Freedom is the unfolding of basic human values (of what is true, beautiful, and good) under the premise of equality and justice. This principle has to be valid independent of race, religion, and ethnicity.
DSC_8359The dynamic within this thinking is represented by the spirit of the age, which manifests itself as consciousness. The actual consciousness increasingly extends beyond regional and national borders and is globally oriented. However, contrary to this development, we are also observing nationalistic and fascistic tendencies around the world. This is also present in Germany, where this thinking had its origin in Hegel. In his historical considerations, Hegel classified humanity hierarchically in three stages: 
1. the Oriental, who does not know what freedom is. The one who rules in the Orient is the one who is free, and the remainder of the people are not free.1)
2. The Greeks and the Romans had a group of people who were free, namely the aristocrats.
3. The Teutons are, according to Hegel, all free. (!)
Hegel’s thesis of human self-consciousness leads to absolutizing humanity’s self esteem. Through this humans allegedly rise above animals. (According to Hegel, animals have no souls.) Humankind is the measure of all things. This anthropocentrism, in which there is no place for plants and animals, stands pitted against the biological principle of vitalism. The first thesis of our manifesto Global Science – 10 Theses . . . deals with this topic.2)
The ideological classification of peoples into those ‘civilized’ and less civilized has as a consequence that their respective members arbitrarily have their status enhanced or devalued. The hierarchical evaluation of scientific knowledge likewise demonstrates such a tendentious classification. Within the Western world, the USA is put in first place; scientific knowledge which comes from there is ascribed validity a priori, while, for example, knowledge from France or Russia has great difficulties being accepted. In the 1980s, keratotomy, which originated in Russia, (split cornea according to Fjederow) was viewed among Germany ophthalmologists as exceedingly dubious and was even labeled ‘malpractice.’ Nowadays, after this procedure took a detour through the USA, one can find an advertisement in every train station for corneal surgery as a way to avoid having to wear glasses.
Something similar is the case with the French theory of biological ophthalmology (bio-ophthalmology), which was presented in the annual report of the French Society of Ophthalmology in 1992 in a document comprising close to 800 pages.3) Now, after 20 years, there is hardly a German ophthalmologist to be found who has even heard anything about this groundbreaking work. The reason for this is not only the language barrier.
The Political Philosophy of Racism
DSC_8604In racism we differentiate between two types: physiological racism and ideological racism. In the case of the former, it involves a normal and rather passive differentiation according to likes and dislikes, membership in a social group or non-membership. In the case of an ideologically characterized racism, it involves, in contrast, a world view which as a rule is organized and put into practice by the state. This finds its pinnacle in the differentiation between ‘superior beings and inferior beings,’ where the intention is to disposed of them (holocaust). Racism reached its apex in the 20th century in the time of the Third Reich. Here one saw that all areas of human life and thought were included. Racist thought was not only noticeable in art. Rather, it was also noticeable in the exact sciences.
Einstein’s revolutionary theory shocked German conservative physicists. On the one hand, it appeared too abstract for the predominantly average researcher. On the other hand, it was tied to displacing conventional Newtonian mechanics. The sharp criticism Einstein had of Newtonian physics, which appeared “primitive” to him, became concrete with the example of light speed – something enormous – which had a new world view as a result.4)
General relativity theory and special relativity theory were published and discussed between 1905 and 1915. In 1921 Einstein received the Nobel Prize for physics and achieved world renown. After Hitler’s ‘legal’ seizure of power in 1933, which occurred with the assent of the majority of the population, terms such as “German,” “Aryan,” “Jewish,” or “Negro” physics arose.” Conservative and high-ranking German physicists, which in part were themselves Nobel Prize recipients, such as Philipp Lenard und Johann Stark, counted as part of the avant-garde of German racist physics. “German” physics was taught at universities. All theories which were of non-German origin were excluded (an example of the much vaunted ‘German functionalism’). On April 7, 1933, the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service excluded individuals of non-Aryan origin from their offices. Within the German Physical Society, of which Max von Laue was the chairman, Jewish physicists were forbidden to participate in events. Their articles were removed from specialist journals.
The recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Werner Heisenberg, in his foundational work “German and Jewish Physics” (Munich 1922),5) described this situation in detail. In that work he quotes the German physicist Lennart: Jewish physics is consequently only a mirage and a degenerate appearance of foundational Aryan physics.”
The historian of science P. Forman described the intellectual situation in Germany between 1918 and 1927, i.e., during the Weimar Republic, by using the example of the reaction of conservative physicists to quantum theory in the following manner: “Terms such as: life, destiny, freedom, and spontaneity became manifestations of a dark deepness which withdrew itself from reason.”6)
In the time of National Socialism, racism and xenophobia were not limited. Rather, it was encountered among academics, artists, and writers. Einstein described the situation to Hahn in a letter in the following way: “The crimes of the Germans are truly the most detestable that the history of so-called civilized nations has to offer. The attitude of German intellectuals – viewed as a class – was not better than that of the populace.”7)
It is to be noted at this point that in other countries there have been similar racist oriented persecutions. In the USA, natives were virtually eradicated, and in Turkey there was animosity against the Armenian minority.
Parallels between Physics in the Third Reich and  Bio-Ophthalmology today
DSC_9323We have learned from the philosopher and historian of science Thomas Kuhn8) that the history of scientific development takes a revolutionary course. Occasionally a high price has to be paid for the progress. An example for this is the politically motivated murder of the co-founder of the Vienna Circle, Moritz Schlick, in 1936. This dramatic incident set the emigration of European intellectuals and scientists in motion. The consequences of this wave of emigration can still be felt to this day
The ‘Vienna Circle’ was a union of leading scientists from fields with the exact sciences and humanities. Their best known 20th century document was “The Scientific World Conception.”9) It is striking that no medical doctors were represented within the Vienna Circle. That perhaps explains the distinctive fact that while in the meantime all other faculties have had discussions of their methods and research strategies, medicine, on the contrary, has not yet even started with this. Even an authority such as the German physicist von Weizsäcker, who in 2000 in a publication in the Deutsches Ärzteblatt (a German magazine for physicians) called for introducing modern physics into medicine, has not received a hearing. Instead, conventional medicine continues to insist on what is in the meantime a 360 year old Cartesian subject-object dualism.10)
Similar to Einstein’s physics at that time, one has the same situation today in modern bio-ophthalmology. The more abstract and comprehensive a scientific theory is, the more enemies it has. Just as was the case with relativity theory and quantum theory, thermodynamics and catastrophe theory are largely rejected. This is the case in spite of the fact that as early as 1992 the French Society of Ophthalmology introduced these findings of modern physics and mathematics convincingly and coherently into ophthalmology in their almost 800 page annual report.
The rejection of the foundations of bio-ophthalmology, of thermodynamics, and of catastrophe theory is on account of de facto non-objective argumentation comparable to the rejection of relativity and quantum theories. As long as ago as with Poincaré, it has been determined that scientific theories are frequently not accepted according to objective and neutral knowledge. Rather, rejection is due to the particular interests of certain groups who agree upon their rejection or acceptance, and who in some cases even do so through secret agreements.
A variation of this conventionalism in medicine can also be seen in co-called multi-center, international studies. In this connection it can often be observed that one is dealing with what is basically only a matter of internal agreements, the goal of which is to push through agendas reflecting certain interests. At this juncture the so-called ‘ruling opinion’ takes on thoroughly dogmatic features. Politics, lobbyism, pressure groups, the press, mass media, and finally also public opinion are used to steer things in a certain direction, i.e., manipulation. The comparison with methods of the Mafia is sometimes foisted upon the stage. The effects can also be found in legislation and in legal decisions.
DSC_8807It is not polarization but rather pluralism and co-existence of partially diverging theories, methods, and hypothesis which should be the goal. Strategic balances between economics and ecology, between biology and technology, are called for. There is also the need for international jurisdiction in science in order to push through new, possibly uncomfortable, theories which possibly bring real progress but face the resistance of established institutions and organizations. The case against Galileo demonstrated that in the final event it is not dogma which conquers knowledge and truth. In the play by Brecht, Life of Galileo, Galileo says to his counterpart: “. . . he who does not know the truth is merely a fool. But he who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a criminal.”11)
The third thesis of our document Global Science . . . assumes that significant scientific achievements are not only to be found in the Western world. Every people group has their own specific cultural tradition which is to be respected and from which other peoples can possibly learn. Asian medicine has been appreciated in the Western world for a number of years, and efforts continue to integrate it.
We have learned from history that developments seldom take a straight path. Rather, they normally involved trial and error. In science in particular, progress has always meant to overcome what has been established and declared to be right. As a result, scientific statements all have a provisional character.
  • - Hegel, G.W. Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Geschichte, Stuttgart 1961, pp. 61f.
  • -  Sradj, N. Global Science – 10 Thesen zur Weltauffassung im 21. Jahrhundert, Regensburg, 2011.
  • -  Biophtalmologie, Bericht der Französischen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (SFO), Paris, Milano, Barcelona, Bonn 1992.
  • -  (comp. Einstein, A. and Infeld, L.  Die Evolution der Physik, von  Newton bis zur Quantentheorie, München 1961, p. 132 andEinstein, A. Mein Weltbild, Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Wien 1981).
  • - Heisenberg, W.  “Deutsche und jüdische Physik,” München 1992,  pp. 10ff
  • - Forman, P. Weimar Culture, Causality and Quantum Theory 1918 -  1927 Adaptation by German Physicists and Mathematicians to an  Hostile Intellectual Environment, in: Prigogine , I. Stengers,I. Dialog  mit der Natur, München 1990, S.17
  • - Einstein, “Brief an Otto Hahn vom 28. Januar 1949,”,
  • - Kuhn, Th. S. Die Struktur wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen  (Structure of Scientific Revolutions), Frankfurt/M. 1967.
  • - Verein Ernst Mach (ed.) “Die wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung,” Der Wiener Kreis, 1929.
    - Schmahl, F.D., v. Weizsäcker, C.F. “Moderne Physik und Grundfragen der Medizin” in: Deutsches Ärzteblatt, Jan. 2000, No. 97, Issue 4, pp. 165 ff).
  • - Brecht, B. Leben des Galilei, Schauspiel, edition suhrkamp, Berlin  1963, p. 81.
Famous Scientists whose revolutionary Insights were resisted