I received a hateful comment from an Israeli calling himself “Eyal”, which goes far beyond the usual hateful rubbish which these people write. I wonder why “Eyal” from the Systems Security of the Israeli Airport Authority (Ben-Gurion Airport) left a comment on my articles “Names and Photos of the Israeli War criminals”.“Eyal” appears to be an employee at Ben-Gurion Airport, using the office equipment to vent his anger at me.
Here is what Eyal, the Israeli working at Ben-Gurion Airport left as a comment on my blog. The poor man clearly has some problems writing correct English. Under his e-mail my answer to each point. (I left his e-mail without correction).
only_4_me [at] walla [dot] com
Submitted on 2009/07/29 at 3:37pmIP Information for
IP Location: Israel Airports Authority
address: Israel Airports Authority
address: Ben Gurion Airport
address: Israel
phone: +972-3-9710785
fax-no: +972-3-9710939Amazing! You live a dream world of lies.
1. Israel has knowingly returned the PLO from excile!
2. Israel gave the Palestinians A: territories, B: guns, C: Goverment.
3. Israel wanted them to flourish and have a state, even offered part of Jerusalem. Israel wanted peace!!
BUT!! Palestinians blasted themself in weddings, in civilians busses, purpusly killed childern, pregnant women and so on.
and even so:
4. Israel retreated by it’s own desicion from GAZA!! from ALL of Gaza!! evacuated tens of thousands of Israeli people which had clashed with them!! all this in order to have peace.
But palestinians fired even more rockets, handreds of rockets directly on citizens.
What would you like Israel to do? sit and let HAMAS after having back ALL of Gaza, fire rockets daily on it’s citizans for 8 more years?
you just enjoy to immerse in your hate, not lifting your head for a second to see the truth.
My Answers:
Amazing how Israelis live out their propaganda lies, and how they want their victims to also believe these lies. How does Eyal “think” that Israel gave us the Palestine???
Israel Returned the PLO
1. Israel did not allow the return of PLO from the exile. The PLO was established as a result of the Israeli theft of Palestine. Israel was established as a state on the ruins of Palestinian towns and villages after the Zionists murdered thousands of Palestinians and expelled over 750.000 more. The Zionists, or those who now call themselves “Israelis” immigrated to Palestine illegally, using falsified passports and working with the British Army. The mass murderer, terrorist and war criminal of the Palmach organization, Alfred Chaim Miller, stated as much in his speech in Vienna during past May 2009. He described how he and his friends immigrated in 1938 to Palestine using falsified passports, and how they occupied and stole Palestinian villages and agricultural hills. This is but one example of how and when European jews started with their theft of Palestine.
The return of the PLO is not an Israeli hand gift either. The Palestinians are not Falasha (Ethiopian) Africans or Russian mafia. According to many UN resolutions, all Palestinians have the rights of return to our homeland. After the Oslo agreement and the return of some Palestinians, Israel arrested many of PLO members who were not willing to collaborate with the Israeli military system after their return.
2. Israel gave Palestinians:
A. Territories
Israel did not give us any territories. Palestine is our land, and in fact the Zionists who now call themselves “Israel” stole Palestine in 1948 and again in 1967, and after Oslo agreement Israel cut the territories into small ghettos, cantons, and some concentration camps, and kept its military and the colonies of the Americans and Europeans and the before unknown Falasha who invent that they are Jews occupying Palestine. The territories agriculture land was stolen for increasing the Jewish colonies in the territories.
Never Israel gave us the Palestinians what they stole from us, and never Israel will give us anything until another disaster or war explodes and thousands of Jews and thousands of Palestinians die.
Israel is not a state of Peace. Israel is a Zionist terrorist and criminal organization which fronts for other Zionist organizations, it is alternatively a criminal state of war criminals and psychopaths which threatens the security of not only the Palestinians and the neighboring countries, but of all the world. Just look how the Israelis are destroying the USA, sucking out all its wealth and using it for their own purposes.
B. Guns
The guns which PA has, the thugs and puppets of Israel and USA, were given them to protect the Israeli security; for the purpose of “internal use” between the Palestinians, such as the de-facto civil war which the PA lost in Gaza; for arresting those Palestinians who resist the diktat of the vampire Keith Dayton. Israel never accepted that the PA use their guns to protect the Palestinian civilians during the criminal Israeli military invasions of civilian homes, town, cities and villages. Never did the PA security forces shoot one bullet against Israel. This is a clear disaster and a conspiracy.
3. Government
What “Eyal” calls a Palestinian government is actually an illegal “authority” which works with the Israeli and the American governments to defend the so-called Israeli security.
The current PA is properly called a “Judenrat”, which is a group or institution acting under color of law and which allies itself with invaders to commit genocide against their own people.
As a Palestinian I would never accept a PA government under the Israeli occupation and without a fully independent State, power, authority, military army, borders, and the return for all the Palestinians who were expelled during the campaigns of terror of 1948, 1967 and later.
3. The Palestinian Flourish
What lies does this “Eyal” character write? What flourish and prosperity does Israel want the Palestinian to live under their continued occupation, military laws, checkpoints, daily murders, invasions, arrests, hunger, and shortage of water? Why do the Israelis keep the sources of the Palestinian water under their control? Why do the Israel kept the economic and the borders under it’s power?
Do you know how many Palestinians, children, women, parliament members,journalists are in the Israeli jails? Do you know how many Palestinians are in jail under administrative arrest? Do you know many women gave birth on the Israeli checkpoints in the territories? Do you know how many sick persons died after Israelis denied them the right to receive medical treatment? Do you know how many Palestinian civilian you have murdered? Do you know how many Palestinians you have injured? Do you know that the PA president needs permission from Israel during his travels? Do you know how many Palestinian dunums the Israelis stole in the territories? How many trees they uprooted? Do you know how many millions Israel stole from the Palestinian tax payers? Do you know how many Palestinian house you destroyed in the territories, and how many Palestinians you have denied his a permission to build or repair a house? Do you know how many disasters you created in Palestine?
Is this the “flourish” which Israel wants us to live? Is this the Palestinian flourish which “Eyal” is talking about? “Eyal” can lie to himself and to others, but not to me. I am a Palestinian and I know who “Eyal” is and what mentality he has, I know what Israel gave us, and why they gave it to us, and I know what they stole from us and kept for themselves….
Jerusalem Offer
Which part of Jerusalem did the government of “Eyal” offer us? Is he drunk, stupid, sick or just enjoying to lie? Abu Dis is not Jerusalem. According to my information, Israel stole the agricultural land of Bethlehem and added them to Jerusalem, and Israel wants to add half of the territories to Jerusalem, among others the illegal Efrat settlement.
Suicide Bombers
Does “Eyal” think that anyone who has had his father or his brother murdered, or both of them jailed, his house destroyed, who is subject
to continued harassment, who has been jailed or made to live starvation, thirst and poverty, anyone who has had his hope and feelings killed by Israel, anyone who wants to kill himself, that such a person will ask me or others for permission to explode himself? All the suicide bombers are victims of the Israeli occupation. Israel can’t plant terror, horror, occupation, injustice and achieve peace, security and love. Nobody likes the injustice of the occupation.
The Israelis must stop crying that they are the victims of the Palestinian suicide bombers, because they are not – they are perpetrators of horrific crimes, all of them. The real criminals who create the suicide bombers are Israeli military and their continued occupation. I don’t know how long Israel will continue corrupting it’s society and occupying Palestine. I see that 42 years of the Israeli occupation is more than enough. The Israeli occupation must stop, and then we will be able to talk about peace.
4. Israel Retreated from Gaza
Israel retreated by its own decision from GAZA, in order to turn it into an extermination camp. That’s the truth. All what Israel did in Gaza since before their strategic retreat is a clear and premeditated genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The PA, who signed the border agreement of Gaza, is a partner of the Israelis in their genocide campaign against Gaza and all other Palestinians.
Would “Eyal” explain me why the Israeli engineers of genocide do not allow macaronis and tomato paste to enter Gaza? Has this dimwit ever heard that a nuclear bomb was made of tomato paste and macaroni? Is the Israeli security based on committing genocide and war crimes? Pressure caused explosions. The rockets of Gaza are the rockets of hunger, poverty, and depression. What Israel did in Gaza and is still doing is very obviously crimes which only mentally and morally depraved people can commit. Would Eyal be able to wake up and understand that?
I never loved the Israeli military occupation, but I also never hated the Israeli civilians or the Jews.
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