CV Of An American Woman
Below is a CV of an American citizen, Chelli S., who visited my occupied homeland Hebron, From where I was expelled by the Zionist Israeli occupation in 2002. Last week Chelli wrote me an e-mail to share with me some of her memories from my homeland, Tel Rumeida, an ancient archeological site, a historical place listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. I asked Chelli if she would allow me to publish her memories. I also asked her to send me a brief CV and a picture of herself. Two days later, Chelli wrote me back and sent what I asked her for. I share with you all what this woman wrote in her personal CV.
Chelli: I am a woman in my late twenties, a US citizen and a dissident. My government’s
history is full of blood, it permeates the ground, and as such she cannot be a patriot of this state.
I believe that we can denounce our government, and if we cannot, then we are not free at all. I believe that we can change our government, and if we cannot, we are not free at all. My government does not allow many dissident voices; its history is full of prison, slander, the murder of these people; and it will not change its ways unless it is made to. The full funding of the military base of Israel in the Middle East by her government sickens reason.
I love Palestine, as anyone who is invited freely in the warmth of generosity; to the home of someone they’ve never met, to share dinner and kindness, and laughter. I become a generous host because of my time in Palestine.
I volunteered as a human rights worker there, and I hope to again. I was in the occupied Hebron at the beginning of 2004 and I returned a few times. Visas from Israel are difficult to get if you become known by that state as a friend of Palestine, and I had a difficult time renewing my visas, and returning. In the beginning I spent much time in Tuwani, a beautiful village south of Yatta south of Hebron city. I then worked in Tel Rumeida, Hebron for about 8 months, along with hundreds of other international human rights workers; wet documented the numberless crimes against humanity in that area. All the crimes were against the Palestinian civilians and all were against the International laws and treaties.
Can we just say? Can we just say? That is the Israeli occupation of Palestine is immoral and disgusting. That is the Palestinians are flowers being cast upon by militarize of foreign colonialism, namely the US, Britain, and Israel.
The land is a literal paradise in terms of water; fruit; vegetables; sheep; olive trees; fish; terraced hillsides; the weather of the Mediterranean; two, no, three, no, four seas, sun, rivers, streams, mountains. An oasis in the desert, this is Palestine, and the Palestinians, are our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers, our friends and beloved.
The memories of Chelli and a short video will follow
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