Palestine Cry

The Truth of God and Our Lord Jesus Christ

Special Palestine Cry Blog articles: The Catholic Creed: The meaning of the Pasch of Christians.


For as it was not possible that the man who had once for all been conquered, and who had been destroyed through disobedience, could reform himself, and obtain the prize of victory; and as it was also impossible that he could attain to salvation who had fallen under the power of sin,-the Son effected both these things, being the Word of God, descending from the Father, becoming incarnate, stooping low, even to death, and consummating the arranged plan of our salvation, upon whom [Paul], exhorting us unhesitatingly to believe, again says, "Who shall ascend into heaven? that is, to bring down Christ; or who shall descend into the deep? that is, to liberate Christ again from the dead." Then he continues, "If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shall be saved." And he renders the reason why the Son of God did these things, saying, "For to this end Christ both lived, and died, and revived, that He might rule over the living and the dead." And again, writing to the Corinthians, he declares, "But we preach Christ Jesus crucified; "and adds, "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? " - St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book III, Chapter XVIII, Section 2.

The Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, Mary and John and the women at the foot of the Cross

Matthew 27:45 Now from the sixth hour, there was darkness over all the earth, until the ninth hour.

Origen tell us this darkness was only in Palestine, and the neighbouring countries: for as to the words, over the whole earth, or over the whole land, we find one kingdom or empire, by a common way of speaking, called the whole earth, or the whole world. As to the cause of the obscuration of the sun; and secondly, as to the extent of its darkness. Origen tells us that the darkness was partial, and confined to Judea and the neighbouring countries, as the darkness of Egypt was only perceived in that country, and not in Gessen, where the children of Israel were. Saint Jerome tells us that the obscurity was caused by the rays of the sun being suddenly withdrawn by divine power, as was the case in Egypt. The darkness in Egypt during the Passover of Moses was due to God's protection withdrawn from that land at that time. The darkness when Christ was Crucified for us is the judgement of God upon His Son Jesus Christ, in our place. For Jesus Christ knew NO sin. He never sinned, nor could He ever.

The meaning of the Pasch of Christians.

The Book of Wisdom, Chapter 17, describes the devils and demons thrown back upon the Egyptians when the Israelites under Moses were brought out of Egypt by God for God’s purposes (to prepare a place for the Crucifixion of Our Lord for the Redemption of the whole world of those who are saved). In the same way the same false gods and goddesses that the Egyptians served and which in so doing were the reason the Egyptians sacrificed their sons and daughters to the devils and demons behind the false gods/goddesses were the spirits that killed the Egyptian children that perished when the Israelites were brought out of Egypt. God does not murder children, period. The angel of death which destroyed in Egypt was one of the fallen spirits. God did not cause any of the fallen spirits to hurt anyone. God allowed the fallen spirits to do what it is their nature do to when He brought the Israelites out of the gates of hell which was Egypt. The children below the age of reason that died went to be with God for eternity, they will be resurrected with the just at the Second Coming of Christ. This principle of God allowing the innocent to be afflicted along with guilty finds its ultimate fulfillment in Christ’s singular and only salvific Kenosis. Jesus Christ committed no sin, not ever nor could He, and was and is and only could be utterly and absolutely and completely innocent of any and all wrongdoing and sin by His very nature as the Holy and True God. The guiltless sacrificed by His own will for the guilty. Even when the innocent are afflicted by the actions and evils instigated by the fallen spirits in the world, the innocent are not possessed by those fallen spirits. The principle of all being afflicted by the evil set loose upon the world for its unrepentant sin will occur when the universal plagues are let loose upon the world. See Apocalypse 16

The principle of our always, for our part, protecting children is given us by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 18

1 At *that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who, thinkest thou, is the greater in the kingdom of heaven?

2 *And Jesus calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them,

3 And said: Amen I say unto you, *unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven.

5 And he that shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me.

10 Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, *that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

The principle of our ONLY worshipping the True God, the Father and the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is given first in the historical truth of the Garden of Eden when Christ, who is the Tree of Life commands the first man and his wife, Adam and Eve to not have anything to do with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which is Satan, the first fallen angel, nor with any of the fallen angels with Satan. Assisi of Babylon/Vatican/Rome is absolute and complete violation of that principle and is the Great Apostasy in full blown Satanic evil. Have nothing to do with the Vatican or suffer its eternal damnation in hell with it. The devil and demon worshipping pagans and the perfidious deicidal Jews are not ever any part of the Salvific action of Christ upon Golgotha/Calvary. Individual pagans and Jews if they repent of their not confessing Jesus Christ as the Immortal Son of God become flesh for our sake and sacrificed for our salvation and who confess publicly their sin of devil and demon worshipping and perfidy and deicide and who beg the Lord of all, the Lord God, the Father and the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for forgiveness of their horrid and abominable sins, can and will be forgiven if they do so now in this life and will enter into the only path of salvation there is as dictated by God Himself. The Church, all the faithful – there is no other meaning acceptable to God for the word Church, is commanded by God to not have anything to do with the Apostasy.

Book of Wisdom, Chapter 17

1 For thy judgments, O Lord, are great, and thy words cannot be expressed: therefore undisciplined souls have erred.

2 For while the wicked thought to be able to have dominion over the holy nation, they themselves being fettered with the bonds of darkness, and a long night, shut up in their houses, lay there exiled from the eternal providence.

3 And while they thought to lie hid in their obscure sins, they were scattered under a dark veil of forgetfulness, being horribly afraid and troubled with exceeding great astonishment.

4 For neither did the den that held them, keep them from fear: for noises coming down troubled them, and sad visions appearing to them, affrighted them.

5 And no power of fire could give them light, neither could the bright flames of the stars enlighten that horrible night.

6 But there appeared to them a sudden fire, very dreadful: and being struck with the fear of that face, which was not seen, they thought the things which they saw to be worse:

7 And the delusions of their magic art were put down, and their boasting of wisdom was reproachfully rebuked.

8 For they who promised to drive away fears and troubles from a sick soul, were sick themselves of a fear worthy to be laughed at.

9 For though no terrible thing disturbed them: yet being scared with the passing by of beasts, and hissing of serpents, they died for fear: and denying that they saw the air, which could by no means be avoided.

10 For whereas wickedness is fearful, it beareth witness of its condemnation: for a troubled conscience always forecasteth grievous things.

11 For fear is nothing else but a yielding up of the succours from thought.

12 And while there is less expectation from within, the greater doth it count the ignorance of that cause which bringeth the torment.

13 But they that during that night, in which nothing could be done, and which came upon them from the lowest and deepest hell, slept the same sleep.

14 Were sometimes molested with the fear of monsters, sometimes fainted away, their soul failing them: for a sudden and unlooked for fear was come upon them.

15 Moreover if any of them had fallen down, he was kept shut up in prison without irons.

16 For if any one were a husbandman, or a shepherd, or a labourer in the field, and was suddenly overtaken, he endured a necessity from which he could not fly.

17 For they were all bound together with one chain of darkness. Whether it were a whistling wind, or the melodious voice of birds, among the spreading branches of trees, or a fall of water running down with violence,

18 Or the mighty noise of stones tumbling down, or the running that could not be seen of beasts playing together, or the roaring voice of wild beasts, or a rebounding echo from the highest mountains: these things made them to swoon for fear.

19 For the whole world was enlightened with a clear light, and none were hindered in their labours.

20 But over them only was spread a heavy night, an image of that darkness which was to come upon them. But they were to themselves more grievous than the darkness.

The Catholic Creed: The Final Trial: Traditional Catholic Prayers: Baptism

Friday, November 30, 2012

Four Austrian Soldiers Wounded in Damascus Shooting « Kawther Salam

Four Austrian Soldiers Wounded in Damascus Shooting « Kawther Salam

Four Austrian Soldiers Wounded in Damascus Shooting

AFP – Four Austrian soldiers stationed with the UN force on the Golan Heights were shot and wounded in Syria while their convoy was travelling to Damascus airport on Thursday, the defence ministry in Vienna said. The two troops, whose lives were not in danger, were part of the Austrian contingent of the United Nations Disengagement Observers Force (UNDOF) on the Golan Heights and were traveling to Damascus airport to fly back to Austria after their tour of duty, the ministry said. Two more soldiers in the Austrian convoy were lightly injured by fragments, it added.
It was unclear whether the shooters were Syrian government forces or rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, according to a ministry spokesman. One soldier was shot in the arm and the other in the shoulder, but both were quickly treated by an accompanying doctor and the convoy was now at the airport.
Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger and Defence Minister Norbert Darabos condemned the attack, adding they would file a loud protest with the UN Security Council.
“That Austrian peacekeepers are shot at must be condemned in the strongest terms and demands appropriate consequences,” they said in a joint statement. “The Austrian government will do everything it can, along with the UN, to make sure this incident is resolved clearly.”
Spindelegger had instructed the Austrian embassy in Damascus to file a protest with the Syrian government, and the Syrian ambassador in Vienna was to be summoned to the foreign ministry on Thursday to give an explanation.
“Syria is responsible for the safety of our UNDOF soldiers and must ensure that they can fulfil their international mandate,” Spindelegger said.
In Syria, state television, quoting a foreign ministry source, blamed the shootings on rebels.
“At around 12 noon (1000 GMT), and while a terrorist armed group was firing towards an army post in the area of Aqraba, the shots hit a vehicule of UNDOF, leading to the injury of two members of those forces,” it said.
Some 170 Austrian UN troops were at Damascus airport Thursday — 100 of them waiting to be flown out as part of their regular six-month rotation, 70 others on their way to the Golan Heights, according to the defence ministry.

Wien – OTS/BMLVS – 29. November 2012  – Jene rund 90 österreichischen UN-Soldaten, deren Konvoi gestern auf dem Weg nach Damaskus in Kämpfe geraten war, sind Freitagmorgen wie geplant in Wien-Schwechat gelandet. Mit an Bord waren auch zwei leicht Verletzte. Die beiden Soldaten mit Schussverletzungen verbleiben vorerst in einem israelischen Spital, das als bestes Krankenhaus zur Behandlung derartiger Verwundungen gilt.
Keine Lebensgefahr
Bei den durch Schüsse verletzten Soldaten handelt es sich um einen 53-jährigen Vizeleutnant aus dem Burgenland und einen 25-jährigen Korporal aus der Steiermark. Der Vizeleutnant erlitt eine Schussverletzung an der Schulter, der Korporal leichte Verletzungen am Arm. Ihr Gesundheitszustand ist stabil, beide sind außer Lebensgefahr und im israelischen Haifa in bester medizinischer Betreuung. Anfang nächster Woche wird beurteilt, ob sie nach Österreich ausgeflogen werden.
Lage am Flughafen sicher
Jene 70 Soldaten, die das nächste halbe Jahr auf dem Golan verbringen werden und am Donnerstag in Damaskus gelandet sind, bleiben vorerst auf dem Flughafen der syrischen Hauptstadt. Danach werden sie plangemäß am Landweg zu ihrem Einsatzort gebracht. Derzeit besteht für sie keine konkrete Bedrohung, trotzdem werden sie den Flughafenbereich zur Sicherheit in gepanzerten Fahrzeugen verlassen.
Auch auf den Golanhöhen, auf denen sich das österreichische UN-Kontingent von rund 370 Soldaten befindet, ist die Lage weiterhin ruhig.

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ترقبوا فيديو احتفال اليوم العالمي للتضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني
Mit dem Ausdruck von großem Glück, Tanz, Jubel und Freude haben gestern Millionen Palästinenser in Ramallah, der besetzten Westbank und rund um die Welt auf die Anerkennung Palästinas als Beobachterstaat durch die Vereinten Nationen reagiert. Die Vollversammlung der UNO in New York beschloss am Donnerstag Abend mit überwältigender Mehrheit die Aufwertung. Israel und die USA kritisierten das Votum, die EU zeigte sich gespalten.
Bei der Anerkennung als Beobachterstatus handelt es sich zwar nicht um die bei der Vollversammlung vor einem Jahr noch angestrebte Vollmitgliedschaft, doch der Status gilt als wichtiges Instrument im Nahost-Konflikt: Palästina kann nun internationalen Verträgen beitreten und so etwa den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (ICC) in Den Haag anrufen, obwohl laut mir zugetragener aber bis jetzt nicht bestätigter Information Abbas unter dem Druck von England, Frankreich und USA eine Geheimabkommen unterzeichnet haben soll wonach er das Recht  zum Beitritt zum ICC aufgibt. Auch in der Vergangenheit war der Beobachterstatus ein Sprungbrett zur Vollmitgliedschaft für viele Länder.
Die israelische Kolonisten ihrerseits haben den Anlass in ihrer eigenen Tradition gefeiert: Gruppen dieser Extremisten sind durch Hebron gezogen und haben Häuser, Autos und Infrastruktur vandalisiert, sie haben Wände mit „Tod den Arabern“ und anderen Ausrdrücken aus ihren Traditionen beschmiert und Kinder auf dem Weg in ihre Schulen behindert. Nahe Yatta und im Norden nahe Nablus haben sie Olivenbäume und Rebstöcke abgeschnitten und niedergerissen. Die Al-Yakubia Grundschule nahe der Abraham-Moschee in Hebron wurde laut Berichten von den jüdischen Kolonisten mit einer Mischung aus Wasser und menschlichen Exkrementen besprüht. Wie üblich wurden sie von tausenden von israelischen Soldaten bei ihren Paroxismen des Hasses beschützt.
Gratulation an Palästina und an alle Palästinenser wo immer sie sind. Ich hoffe sehr, dass wir nächstes Jahr keine Jüdischen Besatzer mehr in Palästina etragen müssen.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

None: The Day the U.S. Government of the people, for the people and by the people ...died

None: The Day the U.S. Government of the people, for the people and by the people ...died

God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: THE DAY ADMIRAL BOORDA DIED - Roots in ZioNazi Marine Corps Mob Killing Machine responsible for subverting the nation and handing over America to "Israel" on 911 - Part 2


President Johnson with Walt Whitman Rostow

Kay: You didn't used to kill women and children in war, you know, when the British army were pure, kind of.  You know, you didn't go out and kill.  I think at Dresden they did do some of that, but that was Walt Whitman Rostow and his crowd. And he's a very dangerous man. Because Walt Whitman Rostow is a Communist.

Eric: Okay, in what capacity is he?

July 29, 1989:  Ronald Reagan with traveling companion retired U.S. Marine Lt. General Victor Krulak (in the yellow shirt)

Kay: Oh, he was one of the wise men in Kennedy's administration. I think he was probably responsible for the movement that got Kennedy murdered. I believe it was an Israeli group which did it, with some of these rogues. Walt Whitman Rostow was the one who got us into the Vietnam war because he wanted to sell the weapons and stuff. He and Victor Krulak who is the present Commandant's father, Krulak was his lackey. Walt Whitman Rostow went with General Taylor and wrote the report that got us into the Vietnam war.  And all the time that the Pentagon was saying, "No, no, no, no," he was a cheerleader for the weapon sales.  He and Henry Kissinger. He and Henry. Walt Whitman Rostow, [1] Eugene Debs Rostow, [2] these were Communists, names for Communists. Eugene Debs Rostow, and, it's either his son or his other brother, runs the big Boston mob, the Port there.  His name is Nicholas Rostow.

Eric: She claims that the war in Bosnia was also manipulated by these people, and that the CIA is not as important as we assume it is. She believes that most of the secret operations are coming from a group of criminals working within our military and NATO. Sometimes she refers to them as "The Joint."

Kay: The war in Bosnia is simply a stage to train assassins, to be a market for brand new weapons, and to be a marketplace so the drug money can be used.  And the Army runs the whole show. It's totally run by the Army. The CIA is a bogus thing, you know. It's training in doctrine command, it's NATO, it's SHAPE: Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, started by Eisenhower. It's a totally independent corporation. It's main function is to sell weapons and launder money.

Eric: You're talking about the CIA?

Kay: No, I'm talking about SHAPE. The CIA is kind of bogus. It's just there. [3]

Eric: That's just a trade name for the media to use.

Kay: It's just to confuse us, to get us off the track. It's all being done by Army people who are now Joint.

Eric: She describes "The Joint" as being in New York, and that it acts as a funding organization for their criminal activities.

Kay: The funding organization, one of the funding organizations, was out of New York, and it was called "The Joint." And Meyer Lansky -- see, our Mob, the organized crime, the Jewish Kabbalhist group ...

Mrs. Kay Griggs on How the Government Works -- Interview with Eric Hufschmid

"The octopus had had him in its sights for so long that the security vetting should have been a formality, but a month went by without a word. And that was the first thing Coleman learned about the Defense Intelligence Agency: it never knowingly took chances. It would sooner not employ him than take an unnecessary risk, said McCloskey. He had known them junk a whole operation that had taken hundreds of people months to put together just because there was an outside chance that if anything went wrong the DIA might break cover.

McCloskey was unperturbed by the delay. This wasn't the CIA, he said. The CIA was a showboat civilian agency. These were the professionals, the military, the combined intelligence arms of the United  States Army, the United States Navy and the United States Air Force. Together, they formed the largest and most discreet intelligence agency in the world; 57,000 people operating out of Arlington Hall, Virginia, and Bolling Airforce Base, Washington, D.C., on a budget five times bigger than the CIA's. No restrictions, no oversight -- and nobody even heard of it. Why? Because it didn't make mistakes. And because the director reported to the joint chiefs of staff, who didn't tell anybody anything they didn't have to know. And that included the Secretary of Defense.

But wasn't that dangerous? asked Coleman. To have a covert agency that big and powerful, and not directly accountable to anyone? Not even to the President of the United States? Their commander in chief?

The White House leaked like a colander, McCloskey said. It was full of politicians, and politicians came and went. Same thing with Congress. The military had never trusted politicians. It didn't trust civilians. Period. The military was America's backbone, its power and its honor. It didn't  take sides. It didn't have to make promises it couldn't keep or gamble with the national interest to get elected. You could count on the military to see things straight, to see things through and to do things right. The DIA was only dangerous to the nation's enemies.
But where did the CIA fit in? And the National Security Agency? Didn't the DIA have to share these responsibilities?

The National Security Agency took care of the electronic and satellite stuff, McCloskey replied. And all that was filtered through the DIA before it went to Langley. The NSA did an important, technical job. As for the CIA, its main use as far as the military was concerned was as cover, as a front operation. While Congress, the media and the whole world watched the CIA, America's real spy shop could get on with its work the way it was supposed to -- in secret. Everybody knew about the CIA. It was good for a scandal a year at least because it leaked from top to bottom. It was a public agency, pinned down by White House directives and Congressional committees. It's director was a public figure. Everybody knew about William Colby, Richard Helms, George Bush, William Casey, William Webster, Robert Gates -- but who even knew the name of the DIA director?

'Not me,' said Coleman.

'Damn right,' said McCloskey. 'Not that I guess you'll ever get to meet him anyhow. Or even see the inside of Arlington Hall, come to that. The only DIA personnel you're ever likely to meet will be your handler and maybe a couple of agents you'll work with. (And he was right. It was only after the DIA froze him out that Coleman finally learned that the name of his boss, the agency's director of operations, was Lt General James Kappler.)"

See also "America Betrayed," by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.

In 1974, there were only the grossest hints as to the CIA’s involvement in assassinations, torture, mind-control experiments, and the manipulation of the media. It was to be the job of Rockefeller, as well as Rumsfeld and Cheney, to cover all tracks and to stop any House or Senate investigation, or at least throw it off the track (15).

Despite the efforts of the Ford-Rockefeller White House, the Senate and House each established their own Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, chaired by Frank Church and Otis Pike (respectively). Rockefeller, with the assistance of Kissinger, Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney, began obstructing Senate and House inquiries, particularly those which in any way concerned the training and employment of CIA assassination teams (10,15,19) or terrorist attack squads, such as Operation Gladio.

The Pike Committee finally issued a contempt of Congress citation against Henry Kissinger for his refusal to provide documentation of covert operations. Kissinger, Rockefeller et al., thumbed their noses at Pike.

The coverup effort was a partial success. For example, there is only a brief mention of “Operation Stay Behind” within the Church reports (Pike’s report being suppressed). Operation Stay Behind was a CIA terrorist operation aimed at the citizens and politicians of European countries and their democratically elected leaders (20).

According to the 1976 Senate report on the CIA by the Church Committee, this program was first conceived by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, was staffed and funded by the CIA, and put into operation in 1948 by the National Security Council.

Essentially, the CIA was using Nazis, Neo-Nazis, SS-officers, and CIA-trained terrorists to indiscriminately murder European men, women and children, and to assassinate or otherwise remove or eliminate communist, socialist, and left-wing politicians.

In Italy, this program was referred to as “Operation Gladio (which means “sword”). In Austria it was named “Schwert” (“sword”). In France it was called “Glaive” (“sword”). It was called “Operation Sheepskin” in Greece. “Sveaborg” in Sweden. In Belgium, Operation Stay Behind had the name: “SDR-8.” Likewise in Switzerland it was given an alpha-numerical name: “P26.” Regardless of country, Operation Stay Behind was run by the CIA and British Intelligence under the umbrella of NATO, and involved the use of snipers, police officers, and paramilitary units to kill people at random and to conduct brutal raids on supermarkets, theaters, and other public places (21-28).In one series of attacks, in Brussels in the mid 1980’s, 28 people were murdered while shopping at local supermarkets. Again, the purpose of these attacks was to strengthen the hand of right-wing governments and to prevent left-wing governments or politicians from coming to power.
It was the duty of Bush, Kissinger, Rockefeller, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, to try to cover up these crimes. Indeed Rumsfeld (the Secretary of Defense when the U.S. was attacked on 9/11) had served as U.S. Ambassador to NATO in Brussels, Belgium in 1973 and 1974—when some of the worst atrocities were taking place— and thus had a special personal interest in preventing any damaging disclosures.

“The Americans had gone beyond the infiltration and monitoring of extremist groups to instigating acts of violence.” -- General Gianadelio Maletti, Director of Italian Counter-Intelligence 1971- 1975.
Operation Sword (“Gladio/Schwert/Glaive, etc.”) was an outgrowth of Dulles’ “Operation Stay Behind.” Initially, this program served to recruit high ranking Nazis and SS Gestapo agents into the OSS and the CIA after the close of WWII. By 1952, Dulles and his CIA had created a secret guerrilla terrorist army whose primary mission was terrorism and assassination—often of random targets who might be murdered by snipers, as they shopped or walked down the street. Dulles believed that through random acts of terror, left-wing governments could be overthrown, or prevented from ever coming to power if the blame for those terrorist acts could be placed on leftists (20). Right wing governments are always the beneficiaries of terrorism.
Operation Sword was first put into operation in Italy, in 1947. Italian citizens were gunned down by snipers, trains were derailed, and buildings and planes were blown up by CIA-Nazi agents, and then blamed on “communists.” The purpose of this terrorist campaign was to prevent a communist electoral victory in the 1947 Italian elections. This CIA orchestrated terrorist campaign was a success (21).
These and other acts of random terror (Operation Stay Behind), although directed by the CIA (in conjunction with British Intelligence) were administered under the protective umbrella of the Clandestine Coordinating Committee at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe “SHAPE” (22). SHAPE would later became the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Although these CIA-terrorist cells were spread all over Europe, the training bases were located in Germany, Italy and France. Likewise, these terrorist operations were directed and funded by CIA agents working in the US Embassies in Rome, Paris, and Berlin. These same CIA agents not only controlled these terrorists cells, but had infiltrated and often directed the Intelligence services of these and other countries (23).

Hitler's Managers: Gustav and Alfried Krupp - The Weapons Builder
In July 1948, Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach was adjudged by an U.S. Military Tribunal to 12 years imprisonment and confiscation of his whole estate. No other German industrialist was punished as hard as him after World War II. Originally, Krupp should be seated next to Göring in the main war criminal trial of Nuremberg where he presumably would have expected the death penalty. No other company was as hated by the allies as Krupp, the weapons builder of the Reich. Benjamin Ferencz, prosecutor at the Nuremberg trial, summarizes: "The name Krupp as the munitions king for the Führer already had a residence throughout the world. Everybody in the world was so outraged by the crimes of the Nazis that the whish was so enormous that the public throughout the world demanded that the perpetrators be brought to justice."

As the greatest armament manufacturer of the German Reich the Krupp family forged over generations the weapons for the Prussian kings and the German emperor. The elitist family was very loyal to the emperor and later on they supported the conservative parties of the new democracy. Consequently, the steel barons from Essen declined the aimer Hitler during the Weimarer Republic. Alfried's parents, Gustav and his wife Bertha, saw the advancement of Hitler with a mixture of disdainfulness, scepticism and cautious submitting. Therefore the nomination of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of the Reich in January, the 30th 1933 released perplexity at the Krupp family. Anyhow, Gustav Krupp, the chairman of the company at that time, worked together with the new government. Hitler nominated him as "Wehrwirtschaftsführer" (economic leader of the Third Reich) and conferred him the golden party-emblem to use him and his company for the NS propaganda.

After his studies, Alfried joined the company and became the official follower of his father. In 1943 he became chairman of Krupp instead of Gustav who went deadly sick. At that time, although the war was already lost, the heir was driven to build even more weapons, getting support of an army of slave labours. Alfried accomplished his mission and that is why he was blamed one of the primarily responsible, who exploited the concentration camp prisoners and over 100.000 slave labours. But for all that the NS leaders were disappointed: Alfried had none of the characteristics the regime expected for a manager in his category: blind fanaticism and unscrupulous leadership.

When the American troops conquered Essen in April 1945, the young Krupp was immediately captured and brought to justice. Originally, his father Gustav should be accused, but his poor health impeded him to appear in court. He died in 1950. In 1951, the judgment amnestied Alfried Krupp and he got back his whole estate since America needed strong confederates in the Cold War against communism.

While many Germans tried to forget Hitler's Reich, Alfried recognized his duty: already in the fifties he arranged compensations for former Jewish slave labours. He also made the fundamental decision that Krupp wouldn't produce any weapons anymore. The film persecutes the way of life of Gustav and Alfried Krupp and tells how they became "Hitler's Managers" in spite of their opposition against him. In this context close family members, Alfried's advocate and a prosecutor from the Nuremberg trials were interviewed for the first time. Previously unreleased coloured film footage is shown in the documentary as well as sensational snapshots of Hitler visiting the Krupp family and showing him abased due to the disrespectful treatment by the Krupps.

"Gustav and Alfried Krupp - The Weapons Builder" was created by on behalf of the ZDF as part of the series "Hitler's Manager" and was first broadcast in November, the 30th 2004 on ZDF.

by Donald Goddard with Lester K. Coleman
© 2003 by Lester Coleman
© 1993 by Lester Coleman and Donald Goddard
In Memory of Donald Goddard
'This CBN thing is getting to be a real pain in the ass.' Donleavy said. 'So is Ollie North and that whole damn bunch of kooks and weirdoes. We got this lightbird colonel running around loose, telling two and three-star generals what to do, and they're getting pissed off about it. So don't be surprised if we pull his plug. Starting with this cockeyed deal with the Hoobaka bunch. We want you to close 'em out, old buddy. Nothing sudden, nothing dramatic -- we don't want to make waves. Just let it die from natural causes, okay? Let 'em get on with it, but from now on, things should start to go wrong.'-- Trail of the Octopus, by Daniel Goddard with Lester Coleman
Table of Contents: Exhibits: Index: Jacket Cover:


DIA is run by the Triad. The whole Cuban Missile Crisis and the Sayeret Matkal (Mossad Assassins) Assassination of President John F. Kennedy were for the express purpose of making the DIA the controlling MOB in American M.ilitary-Industrial-O.verseas-Espionage-Terrorism-Drugs-B.lack operations and making IsraHell the power center in the Middle East (which is the jumping off point for the Zionists to make it the Capital of the Antichrist's empire) See: 

Triad (8 articles)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Israel Has Journalists in its Sights as Gaza Strikes Kill Three « Kawther Salam

Israel Has Journalists in its Sights as Gaza Strikes Kill Three « Kawther Salam

Israel Has Journalists in its Sights as Gaza Strikes Kill Three

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the Israeli Defence Forces of waging war on journalists in Gaza. The Federation was reacting to yesterday’s strikes which killed three journalists who were traveling in their cars, with press signs, in two separates incidents in Gaza city.
“This latest deadly attack targeting journalists is clear evidence that the Israeli military has declared war on journalists in Gaza,” said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. “There can be no more lame excuses from the Israeli Air Force that it was targeting its enemy’s communications. The army which claims its strikes are surgically precise must have known there were journalists in this car and it should be accountable for what appears to amount to a war crime.”
Media reports say that Mahmoud Al-Komi, cameraman for Al-Aqsa TV and his colleague Hossam Salameh were killed when their car  was hit by an Israeli missile near the Ashifa hospital. The two were reportedly on their way to the hospital where victims of the Israeli attacks were being treated. In a separate incident , another journalist, Muhammad Abu Aisha who was the director of al-Quds Educational radio, was also killed in his car.
In the meanwhile, journalists in Gaza have reported more attacks on media offices and hotels where journalists are staying. The AFP offices in Gaza were among media facilities which were hit, along with Deira and Beach hotels.

The Israeli Defence Forces have warned journalists in a tweet to stay away from Hamas facilities whom they accuse of using media as a human shield. But the IFJ says that the warning should be given ahead of any attack to allow for evacuation of civilians, including journalists.
“The intimidation of journalists has turned into an open war through the Israeli Defence Forces’ practice of shooting first and warning later,” added Boumelha. This is reckless and highly irresponsible and we are urging the world community to investigate potential breaches of international humanitarian law.”
The IFJ is examing options for an urgent mission to Gaza to investigate the targeting and killing of journalists.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Seltsames Bezirkstreffen im 16. Wiener Bezirk « Kawther Salam

Seltsames Bezirkstreffen im 16. Wiener Bezirk « Kawther Salam

Strange meetings in the 16th District Vienna District

On 20 Evening of November I am "introductory fixed" in the 16th Vienna District participated, from theDistrict Chairman Franz Prokop was organized (SPO). It has the presence of members of the district administration and the district offices of the Parliament in the past Ottakringer Brewery place. Ottakringer is best known for its beer, the company also offers to non-alcoholic beverages, and it would be the biggest company in Ottakring from which it has its name.
District Chairman Prokop has come the invitations to this introductory fixed to all residents of the district between the ages of 30 and 50, there are several hundred people. Mr. Prokop and members of the district councils have welcomed the guests at the entrance very cordial, there were also information booths from various organizations, including Waff ( Gebietssbetreuung and police.
There have been food and drinks for all the guests. The food, hearty Krautfleckerln, meatloaf and goulash soup, to cakes, cookies and fruit. In his speech, Mr. Prokop has pointed to the district history and the traditional place, and asked all the guests to give ideas or just talk with each other or with the members of the district council informally to jointly share ideas on how to make the district more liveable for all could. I found it very nice, the people for a pleasant evening together and invite them to animate on this friendly as unobtrusive way to participate in politics. Above all it was not an event for the SPÖ invitation has been extended to all groups, not just SPÖ voters or people from a certain group.
District Chairman Prokop has used the event to Mr. Günther Aistleitner for his commitment to the St. Anna Children's Hospital to give the Ottakringer Medal of Honor (also present, his wife has a beautiful bouquet get) - he had collected 165,000 euros donations for the hospital. Kurt was also honored for his achievements Girk for the art and culture of Vienna. Afterwards, the guests have hergemacht about the buffet. The atmosphere was warm and there have been more under unknown to friendly conversations. The recently introduced "Park Pickerln" should provide for some excitement in the district.
One thing I found strange as known. According to Wikipedia, the 16th one of the highest proportions of foreigners in Vienna, so probably about half of the residents have moved in from abroad. On the street you can hear in Ottakring mostly Turkish, Arabic and several other languages, German rare. In this district meeting but was not one person present from the groups whose languages ​​can be heard mostly on the road. There are many businesses that are in Turkish hands, the markets are dominated by Turkish state learning. So where were all these people? At this event, anyway. Many of them have the Austrians citizenship but it is confirmed the suspicion that the Turks, Arabs and all Muslims otherwise prefer to keep to themselves in the ghetto.
For me, it was certainly embarrassing, because it's not the first time that I noticed this deliberate non-participation. Many questions came to me: What kind of world they live Arabs, Turks, Muslims in the 16th District work and live and do business? What kind of people are they? What are they thinking? What citizenship do you have? How important are Austria and the Austrians for these people? What religion are these people? Why none of them come to this friendly event where it would also have been in their interest to participate? Why was no one worth the time, with their presence, at least symbolically to show that you are a part of society?
The answers to these questions, I know, unfortunately. Islam is practiced by many Muslims in Austria (and Europe) is characterized by thoughts and words such as "Kufar" (unbelievers), "take what you can from them because what they have is better than what they are," präpotenter racist chauvinism as in the sentence "freckles are a rare sight in Europe" is expressed, a set of well can be interpreted as a serious threat to non-Muslim women. Practising in a good neighborhood? One would have to see women without headscarves or even talk to them, you'd have to "suffer" as the infidels drink beer or eat even Schweinefleich, and because you just prefer to remain among them, and hints at demands. It is no wonder if the Austrians did not spend estimate, because that is what they see.
At the very least we can do as a foreigner is to show gratitude in symbolic little things, like just taking part in events and thus done a bit of his 'street' "in the integration. That the official Austria lot of money for integration into the hand, takes even installed its own Secretary of State for Integration in the government, frequently reaches out and if possible all immigrants paves the way into society, which few seem interested only. The outstretched hand is believed by many, of a conspicuous group among Muslims, but apparently rare.
This raises only the question what if the policy is the opinion of the majority of Austrians and connects us no longer meets with an outstretched hand. The path should be short: turn down once too often an outspoken heartfelt invitation, once too often make demands and appear ungrateful, once too often someone a "pig-eaters" name, once beat up often a schoolmate because he Christian Faith is raping a girl once too often because it has freckles.

Seltsames Bezirkstreffen im 16. Wiener Bezirk

Am 20. November abends habe ich am “Kennenlernfest” im 16. Wiener Bezirk teilgenommen, das vonBezirksvorsteher Franz Prokop (SPÖ) organisiert wurde. Es hat unter Anwesenheit von Mitgliedern der Bezirksverwaltung und des Bezirksparlaments in den  Räumen der historischen Ottakringer Bräuereistattgefunden. Ottakringer ist am besten wegen ihrem Bier bekannt, die Firma bietet aber auch  nicht-alkoholische Getränke an, und es dürfte die grösste Firma im Bezirk Ottakring sein, von dem sie auch den Namen hat.
Bezirksvorsteher Prokop hat die Einladungen zu diesem Kennenlernfest an alle Einwohner des Bezirks im Alter zwischen 30 und 50, es sind etliche Hundert Personen gekommen. Herr Prokop und Mitglieder der Bezirksvertretung haben die Gäste am Eingang sehr herzlich begrüsst, es hat auch Info-Stände von verschiedenen Organisationen gegeben, u.A. Waff (, Gebietssbetreuung und Polizei.
Es hat Essen und Getränke für alle Gäste gegeben. Das Essen, bodenständige Krautfleckerln, Leberkäse und Gulaschsuppe, dazu Kuchen, Kekse und Früchte. In seiner Ansprache hat Herr  Prokop auf die Bezirksgeschichte und den traditionellen Ort hingewiesen, und alle Gäste gebeten, Ideen abzugeben oder einfach untereinander oder mit den anwesenden Mitgliedern der Bezirksvertretung informell zu sprechen um so gemeinsam Ideen auszutauschen, wie man den Bezirk noch lebenswerter für alle gestalten könnte. Ich habe es sehr toll gefunden, die  Menschen zu einem angenehmen Abend miteinander einzuladen und sie auf dieser freundlichen wie unaufdringlichen Art zum mitmachen in der Politik zu animieren. Vor allem war das keine SPÖ Veranstaltung denn die Einladung ist an alle Bevölkerungsgruppen gegangen, nicht nur SPÖ Wähler oder Personen aus einer bestimmten Gruppe.
Bezirksvorsteher Prokop hat das Event dazu genutzt, Herrn Günther Aistleitner für sein Engagement für das St. Anna Kinderspital die Ottakringer Ehrenmedaille zu verleihen (seine ebenfalls anwesende Frau hat einen schönen Blumenstrauß bekommen) – er hatte 165.000 Euro Spenden für das Spital gesammelt. Ebenfalls ausgezeichnet wurde Herr Kurt Girk wegen seiner Leistungen für die Kunst und die Wiener Kultur. Danach haben sich die Gäste über das Buffet hergemacht. Die Stimmung war herzlich und es ist auch unter unbekannten zu freundlichen Gesprächen gekommen. Die unlängst eingeführten “Parkpickerln” dürften für einige Aufregung im Bezirk sorgen.
Eines habe ich so seltsam wie bekannt gefunden. Laut Wikipedia hat der 16. einen der höchsten Anteile an Ausländern in Wien, so dürften ca. die Hälfte der Einwohner aus dem Ausland zugezogen sein. Auf der Strasse hört man in Ottakring meistens Türkisch, Arabisch und noch einige andere Sprachen, Deutsch eher selten. Bei diesem Bezirkstreffen war aber keine einzige Person anwesend aus den Gruppen deren Sprachen man meistens auf der Strasse hört. Es gibt viele Geschäfte die in Türkischer Hand sind, die Märkte werden von türkischen Standlern dominiert. Wo waren also all diese Leute? Auf dieser Veranstaltung jedenfalls nicht. Viele von ihnen haben die Österreiche Staatsbürgerschaft aber es erhärtet sich der Verdacht, dass die Türken, Araber und sonst alle Muslime lieber im Ghetto unter sich bleiben.
Für mich war es jedenfalls beschämend, denn es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass mir diese absichtliche nicht-Teilnahme auffällt. Viele Fragen sind mir gekommen: In welcher Welt leben diese Araber, Türken, Muslime die im 16. Bezirk arbeiten und leben und Geschäfte betreiben? Was für Menschen sind das? Was denken die sich? Welche Staatsbürgerschaft haben sie? Welchen Stellenwert haben Österreich und die Österreicher für diese Leute? Welche Religion haben diese Leute? Wieso ist keiner von ihnen zu diesem freundlichen Event gekommen wo es zudem in ihrem eigenen Interesse gewesen wäre, teilzunehmen? Wieso war es niemandem die Zeit wert, mit ihrer Anwesenheit zumindest symbolisch zu zeigen, dass man Teil der Gesellschaft ist?
Die Antworten auf diese Fragen kenne ich leider. Der Islam der von zu vielen Muslimen in Österreich (und Europa) gelebt wird ist von Gedanken und Begriffen geprägt wie “Kufar” (Ungläubige), “nimmt von ihnen was ihr könnt denn was sie haben ist besser als was sie sind”, präpotenter rassistischer Chauvinismus wie er im Satz “Sommersprossen werden ein seltener Anblick werden in Europa” ausgedrückt wird, ein Satz der durchaus als ernsthafte Drohung gegen nicht-muslimische Frauen gedeutet werden kann. Sich in guter Nachbarschaft üben? Man müsste ja Frauen ohne Kopftuch sehen oder gar mit ihnen reden, man müsste “erdulden” wie die Ungläubigen Bier trinken oder gar Schweinefleich essen, und da bleibt man eben lieber unter sich und lässt Forderungen verlautbaren. Es ist kein Wunder wenn die Österreicher uns nicht gerade schätzen, denn das ist was auch sie sehen.
Das allermindeste was man als AusländerIn tun kann ist, seine Dankbarkeit in symbolischen Kleinigkeiten zeigen, wie eben an Veranstaltungen teilnehmen und so ein wenig seine “Bringschuld” bei der Integration erledigt. Dass das offizielle Österreich viel Geld für Integration in die Hand nimmt, sogar einen eigenen Staatssekretär für Integration in die Regierung installiert, des öfteren die Hand ausstreckt und nach Möglichkeit allen Zuwanderern den Weg in die Gesellschaft ebnet, das interessiert anscheinend nur wenige. Die ausgestreckte Hand wird von vielen angenommen, von einer auffälligen Gruppe unter den Muslimen aber anscheinend eher selten.
Es stellt sich nur noch die Frage was ist, wenn die Politik sich der Meinung der Mehrheit der Österreicher anschliesst und uns nicht mehr mit ausgestreckter Hand entgegenkommt. Der Weg dorthin dürfte kurz sein: ein Mal zu oft eine von Herzen ausgesprochene Einladung ausschlagen, ein Mal zu oft Forderungen stellen und sich undankbar zeigen, ein Mal zu oft jemanden einen “Schweinefresser” nennen, ein Mal zu oft einen Schulkameraden verprügeln weil er Christlichen Glaubens ist, ein Mal zu oft ein Mädchen vergewaltigen weil es Sommersprossen hat.

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