Keith Dayton Get out of Palestine
Jul 12th, 2009 by kawther.salam
On Tuesday, June 30 2009, I met Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and his foreign Minister Riyad Al-Malki in the courtyard (Arkadenhof) of the municipality in Vienna during the concert of Lebanese composer Marcile Khalife. Although the presence of Fayyad and Al-Malki surprised me just like the rest of the audience, I was not able to hide my longing feelings while approaching and talking to them. I forgot my criticism of the Prime Minister and his government, and I felt very happy to see them.
During the concert I stopped photographing for a while and sat next to Prime Minister Fayyad. I told him that I had criticized his government several times because I love my homeland and I want the best for my people. Fayyad answered: “God bless you”, and he wrote his Email address on my hand.
On Saturday, July 4 2009, I sent Prime Minister Fayyad and his foreign Minster Riyad Al-Malki some of their photos, and wrote them an E-mail, but until now I have not received an answer. For sure they did not like my words when I expressed my sincere love to them and to Palestine, and my strong opposition for the presence of their friend the American General, the war criminal Keith Dayton.
In Palestine, the so-called government never answers you. This is also normal, since they are implementing the American-Israeli project in my homeland. It is very clear that there is a big distance between the nation and this official government. Never was there a bridge connecting the government and nation. The nation should always be with government, and if not, the doors of the jails are open for the nation. I am sure that if I was in Palestine, the Prime Minister would have sent the Dayton thug militia to arrest me. This is also normal. A new jail is under construction in Palestine. The American war criminal Keith Dayton, who now leads the Palestinian militias called “presidential military forces”, decided that we need a new jail in Palestine, and the crazy German Prime Minister Angela Merkel decided to finance the construction of a jail for women in Palestine. The jail will be ready for its political guests by the year 2011.
In Vienna, the Austrian officials, like the State President, the president of the Parliament, the Major of the city, etc. always answer the letters sent them by the people. They never ignore a letter, even if it is not of their liking. Last week I wrote some of them, and after three days I received the first answer. This what is what this so-called and self-appointed Palestinian government should understand and learn.
Anyway, below is my Email to the Palestinian Prime Minster and his Foreign Minister, which they did not answer.
Dear Palestinian Prime Minster Salam Fayyad,
Dear Dr. Riyad al-Malki,Here are some of your photos.
I just want to clarify that I have criticized your government. Perhaps several times or perhaps many times, I also criticized our President Mahmoud Abbass. But I love you all.
I wish that I could return to Palestine, but until yourJewish friends allow that, please tell them to get out of my homeland. I don’t want to see them in Palestine, all of Palestine. I also don’t want to see the war criminal Keith Dayton in Palestine. I am not satisfied of all of what he is doing in my homeland. I feel disgust of him and his government. I hate him the same like I hate the Jewish squatters. Please tell him to get out of my country. I told him that in several ways. But he and his government are deaf.
I love my homeland, and I love you too. I was very happy
to see you among us in Vienna, I also was happy to see you smiling and repeating Khalife’s songs. I forgot myself, and all of my criticism, and I felt that you are the dearest and closest people to my heart and my feelings. I can’t explain you that. This was my hidden and real feeling.
Behind my journalistic criticism there is a huge love for all the Palestinians.I wish you all the best.
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