Fatah Imposing their Candidates at the PJS Congress
About 500 Palestinian journalists representing the Fatah movement in the Palestinian journalists Syndicate (PJS) went today to the city of Jericho in order to elect their representatives in the PJS congress which will be held on Friday Feb. 2 2010.
My sources from Fatah informed me that both of the Presidential Secretary General Al-Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim, and the former intelligence chief Tawfiq Al-Tirawi, next to PJS General Secretary Naim Al-Tobassi attended the meeting and gave speeches before opening the nomination and the vote for the journalists to choose their representatives of the Fatah movement at the PJS congress.
The sources stated that the Fatah leadership is exercising coercive pressure on General Secretary Naim Al-Toubassi to abstain from running for a new period in the coming PJS elections. They added that Fatah people had told Al-Tobassi that they would impose their own candidate for the PJS General Secretary and that they will not choose him for this duty. They offered him instead to take a job in one of the PA ministries.
Al-Toubassi responded positively to the wishes and threats from the leaders of Fatah Central Committee and announced that he does not want to run at the coming PJS elections. He read the financial and the management reporting to the audience and wished the person who will replace him in the PJS good luck. After that, the nomination of the representatives was announced. The number of Fatah journalists candidates was reduced for 60- 48, but chaos swept the hall of the meeting and led to block the voting and selection of Fatah candidates for the new congress of the PJS.
The source told me that they believe that the cause of chaos came in the
wake of the announcement of the names of new candidates of Fatah in the PJS, especially after the vote started and the results was not in the interest to of the candidates who were close to the Central Committee of Fatah. After that, the Fatah leaders decided to end the democratic vote and before reaching the final results and declaring that the central committee will impose their candidates on the PJS and force the members to vote for them. The Fatah statement led about 500 journalists to leave the meeting in anger.
The sources in the meeting room in Jericho stated that the adoption of the Fatah wishes against their members in the congress, and its dictatorial decision to impose candidates on the rest of the PJS members is a clear violation of the by-laws of the PJS, and were rejected by the members. The sources added that the Fatah candidates who will be imposed upon the PJS will be choose from the journalists who are close to Fatah Central Committee of the Fatah in power and not from those journalists who are close to PJS interests and it’s other members.
It is expected that the Fatah will announce tomorrow, or on Friday morning, the names of the candidates who they will impose in an undemocratic manner for the new election of the PJS.
It is worth to mention that the PJS members outside Fatah are not informed about anything related to the coming congress. At the same time, the Palestinian newspapers are not publishing any information about the PJS congress and its election. It seems that an exceptional censorship about this is being imposed by those in power.
In addition, a number of human rights organizations refused to participate as supervisors in the PJS congress and elections. They sent official letters in response to the invitations which they received. They declined and expressed their deep concerns about the illegal violations which surrounding this electoral process.
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