What Lies Ahead: A New Massacre or a Genocidal War?
Will the Lebanese ship attempting to break the siege imposed on Gaza be the spark that ignites the fire of war in the Middle East? Whether the vessels attempting to break the siege of Gaza or any other insignificant as preposterous and contrived reasons will be the last straw that Israel holds as a justification for a bloody war against what it calls the “new alliance” (Syria, Turkey and Iran), this new Israeli war and the flood of human blood is inevitably coming. At the national, political and military levels, Israel has made sufficient effort to convince its American, European and some Arab and Islamic allies to take part in or support this dirty war. It has also completed its training and tactical planning for this new coming war.
The warnings and threats which Israel has repeated during the last days through it’s
ambassador at the United Nations in New York and their War Minister Ehud Barak, who says that they will use all ways and every means to prevent any solidarity ship from reaching the beach of Gaza, the evil propaganda and preposterous allegations of Israeli officials, who claim that the Lebanese aid ship belongs to the uncle of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and that the women on board are supposedly from Hezbollah, all confirm that Israel has prepared itself for a new genocidal war in the Middle East.
Israel had prepared itself for this new war in the wake its defeat in Lebanon in 2006, and is now using the ships of humanitarian aid to the besieged population of Gaza as a justification for it. The new war will not be directed by Israel against Lebanon itself, but against Syria, Iran and Turkey, the so-called “new alliance”.
The genocidal Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip was imposed (in aggravated form) in March 2006, following the Hamas victory in the legislative elections. Long before that Israeli had been targeting all Palestinians and all international peace activists. Since the bloody massacre in which Israel spilled the blood of peace activists in international water last May 31 2010, Israel has continued and increased its threats to go ahead with their crimes, terrorizing the ships of peace activists. The new Israeli threat against the Lebanese ship which has been mentioned in the media carries fuel of a new war against Syria.
The new Israeli threat sent to everybody through the international organizations, the UN, threatens a new genocidal war under the pretexts spread by the Israeli propaganda, in which they accuse Hezbollah, Syria and Iran of supporting the aid ships to breake siege imposed on Gaza. This new justification could spark a new genocidal war in the Middle East.
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