Palestine Cry

The Truth of God and Our Lord Jesus Christ

Special Palestine Cry Blog articles: The Catholic Creed: The meaning of the Pasch of Christians.


For as it was not possible that the man who had once for all been conquered, and who had been destroyed through disobedience, could reform himself, and obtain the prize of victory; and as it was also impossible that he could attain to salvation who had fallen under the power of sin,-the Son effected both these things, being the Word of God, descending from the Father, becoming incarnate, stooping low, even to death, and consummating the arranged plan of our salvation, upon whom [Paul], exhorting us unhesitatingly to believe, again says, "Who shall ascend into heaven? that is, to bring down Christ; or who shall descend into the deep? that is, to liberate Christ again from the dead." Then he continues, "If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shall be saved." And he renders the reason why the Son of God did these things, saying, "For to this end Christ both lived, and died, and revived, that He might rule over the living and the dead." And again, writing to the Corinthians, he declares, "But we preach Christ Jesus crucified; "and adds, "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? " - St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book III, Chapter XVIII, Section 2.

The Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, Mary and John and the women at the foot of the Cross

Matthew 27:45 Now from the sixth hour, there was darkness over all the earth, until the ninth hour.

Origen tell us this darkness was only in Palestine, and the neighbouring countries: for as to the words, over the whole earth, or over the whole land, we find one kingdom or empire, by a common way of speaking, called the whole earth, or the whole world. As to the cause of the obscuration of the sun; and secondly, as to the extent of its darkness. Origen tells us that the darkness was partial, and confined to Judea and the neighbouring countries, as the darkness of Egypt was only perceived in that country, and not in Gessen, where the children of Israel were. Saint Jerome tells us that the obscurity was caused by the rays of the sun being suddenly withdrawn by divine power, as was the case in Egypt. The darkness in Egypt during the Passover of Moses was due to God's protection withdrawn from that land at that time. The darkness when Christ was Crucified for us is the judgement of God upon His Son Jesus Christ, in our place. For Jesus Christ knew NO sin. He never sinned, nor could He ever.

The meaning of the Pasch of Christians.

The Book of Wisdom, Chapter 17, describes the devils and demons thrown back upon the Egyptians when the Israelites under Moses were brought out of Egypt by God for God’s purposes (to prepare a place for the Crucifixion of Our Lord for the Redemption of the whole world of those who are saved). In the same way the same false gods and goddesses that the Egyptians served and which in so doing were the reason the Egyptians sacrificed their sons and daughters to the devils and demons behind the false gods/goddesses were the spirits that killed the Egyptian children that perished when the Israelites were brought out of Egypt. God does not murder children, period. The angel of death which destroyed in Egypt was one of the fallen spirits. God did not cause any of the fallen spirits to hurt anyone. God allowed the fallen spirits to do what it is their nature do to when He brought the Israelites out of the gates of hell which was Egypt. The children below the age of reason that died went to be with God for eternity, they will be resurrected with the just at the Second Coming of Christ. This principle of God allowing the innocent to be afflicted along with guilty finds its ultimate fulfillment in Christ’s singular and only salvific Kenosis. Jesus Christ committed no sin, not ever nor could He, and was and is and only could be utterly and absolutely and completely innocent of any and all wrongdoing and sin by His very nature as the Holy and True God. The guiltless sacrificed by His own will for the guilty. Even when the innocent are afflicted by the actions and evils instigated by the fallen spirits in the world, the innocent are not possessed by those fallen spirits. The principle of all being afflicted by the evil set loose upon the world for its unrepentant sin will occur when the universal plagues are let loose upon the world. See Apocalypse 16

The principle of our always, for our part, protecting children is given us by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 18

1 At *that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who, thinkest thou, is the greater in the kingdom of heaven?

2 *And Jesus calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them,

3 And said: Amen I say unto you, *unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven.

5 And he that shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me.

10 Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, *that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

The principle of our ONLY worshipping the True God, the Father and the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is given first in the historical truth of the Garden of Eden when Christ, who is the Tree of Life commands the first man and his wife, Adam and Eve to not have anything to do with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which is Satan, the first fallen angel, nor with any of the fallen angels with Satan. Assisi of Babylon/Vatican/Rome is absolute and complete violation of that principle and is the Great Apostasy in full blown Satanic evil. Have nothing to do with the Vatican or suffer its eternal damnation in hell with it. The devil and demon worshipping pagans and the perfidious deicidal Jews are not ever any part of the Salvific action of Christ upon Golgotha/Calvary. Individual pagans and Jews if they repent of their not confessing Jesus Christ as the Immortal Son of God become flesh for our sake and sacrificed for our salvation and who confess publicly their sin of devil and demon worshipping and perfidy and deicide and who beg the Lord of all, the Lord God, the Father and the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for forgiveness of their horrid and abominable sins, can and will be forgiven if they do so now in this life and will enter into the only path of salvation there is as dictated by God Himself. The Church, all the faithful – there is no other meaning acceptable to God for the word Church, is commanded by God to not have anything to do with the Apostasy.

Book of Wisdom, Chapter 17

1 For thy judgments, O Lord, are great, and thy words cannot be expressed: therefore undisciplined souls have erred.

2 For while the wicked thought to be able to have dominion over the holy nation, they themselves being fettered with the bonds of darkness, and a long night, shut up in their houses, lay there exiled from the eternal providence.

3 And while they thought to lie hid in their obscure sins, they were scattered under a dark veil of forgetfulness, being horribly afraid and troubled with exceeding great astonishment.

4 For neither did the den that held them, keep them from fear: for noises coming down troubled them, and sad visions appearing to them, affrighted them.

5 And no power of fire could give them light, neither could the bright flames of the stars enlighten that horrible night.

6 But there appeared to them a sudden fire, very dreadful: and being struck with the fear of that face, which was not seen, they thought the things which they saw to be worse:

7 And the delusions of their magic art were put down, and their boasting of wisdom was reproachfully rebuked.

8 For they who promised to drive away fears and troubles from a sick soul, were sick themselves of a fear worthy to be laughed at.

9 For though no terrible thing disturbed them: yet being scared with the passing by of beasts, and hissing of serpents, they died for fear: and denying that they saw the air, which could by no means be avoided.

10 For whereas wickedness is fearful, it beareth witness of its condemnation: for a troubled conscience always forecasteth grievous things.

11 For fear is nothing else but a yielding up of the succours from thought.

12 And while there is less expectation from within, the greater doth it count the ignorance of that cause which bringeth the torment.

13 But they that during that night, in which nothing could be done, and which came upon them from the lowest and deepest hell, slept the same sleep.

14 Were sometimes molested with the fear of monsters, sometimes fainted away, their soul failing them: for a sudden and unlooked for fear was come upon them.

15 Moreover if any of them had fallen down, he was kept shut up in prison without irons.

16 For if any one were a husbandman, or a shepherd, or a labourer in the field, and was suddenly overtaken, he endured a necessity from which he could not fly.

17 For they were all bound together with one chain of darkness. Whether it were a whistling wind, or the melodious voice of birds, among the spreading branches of trees, or a fall of water running down with violence,

18 Or the mighty noise of stones tumbling down, or the running that could not be seen of beasts playing together, or the roaring voice of wild beasts, or a rebounding echo from the highest mountains: these things made them to swoon for fear.

19 For the whole world was enlightened with a clear light, and none were hindered in their labours.

20 But over them only was spread a heavy night, an image of that darkness which was to come upon them. But they were to themselves more grievous than the darkness.

The Catholic Creed: The Final Trial: Traditional Catholic Prayers: Baptism

Monday, November 30, 2009

Wiener Syrische Gemeinde Feiert Eid

Wiener Syrische Gemeinde Feiert Eid

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Am Sonntag, den 29. November 2009, im Hotel Modul in Wien, hat ein schöner, 000_8136großer sozialer und kultureller Abend der Syrischen und Arabischen Gemeinden in Wien stattgefunden. Die Feier hat anlässlich von Eid Al-Adha stattgefunden. Die Feier war gut organisiert und für jeden interessant. Zeichen des Vergnügens, der Heiterkeit, und des Glücks waren auf den Gesichtern der Feiernden zu sehen. Sie genossen ein traditionelles Abendessen, und sie hörten traditioneller Musik zu die alle glücklich machte, und ihren Appetit auf einen traditionellen Tanz öffnete.

Dr Ala-Eldine Halak, Präsident der syrischen Gemeinschaft in Wien, und Dr Aktaas Mustafa, haben die Feiernden mit herzlichem Lächeln begrüßt, und sie haben allen Heiterkeit und Glück gewünscht.

[click picture to see in full]


Die Feiernden haben mit ihren Frauen und ihren Familien getanzt. Sie haben sorglos und voller Freude getanzt. Sie waren sehr glücklich, was man ihnen beim Tanzen ihrer traditionellen Weisen ansehen konnte. Und sie waren sehr glücklich, als ihr freundlicher Botschafter, zusammen mit seiner Frau, seine Glückwünsche zum Eid mit der Gemeinschaft auszutauschen.

Es sollte bemerkt werden, dass die Anwesenden die Elite der Syrischen und Arabischen Gemeinden waren. Wir sind alle stolz auf sie, und wir würden gerne sehen, dass diese diese Elite uns un Zukunt vor der Österreichischen Gesellschaft vertritt, statt jenen, die unserem Ansehen schon genug Schaden zugefügt haben.

Jerusalem, Arabische Kulturhauptstadt

Jerusalem, Arabische Kulturhauptstadt

[click on large pictures to see in full]


Lesen Sie auf Englisch. Sehen Sie mehr Fotos.

Am Freitag, dem 27. November 2009, hat anlässlich der Feier „Jerusalem, Hauptstadt der Arabischen Kultur“, ein großer kultureller und Folkloristischer Abend mit Tanz und Musik im im Haus der Begegnung in Wien stattgefunden. Er wurde unter der Schirmherrschaft von Direktor Suleiman Al-Herbish, Generaldirektor des OPEC Fonds für Internationale Entwicklung (OFID), Fritz Edlinger, Generalsekretär der Gesellschaft für Austro-Arabische Beziehungen, Dr Zuheir Al-Wazir, palästinensischer Botschafter, und dem Palästina Forum, gehalten.

Direktor Al-Herbish hat das Ereignis als eine Unterstützung von seiner 000_6681Organisation und von ihm persönlich für die Rechte der Palästinenser, und als Einsatz für Jerusalem als Hauptstadt der Arabischen Kultur wie auch als Unterstützung für die Tätigkeiten von pro-Palästina Organisationen, finanziert. Dies war das zweite große Ereignis, das dieses Jahr von OFID finanziert und mitorganisiert wurde. Am 30. Juni 2009, und in Koordination mit SAAR, finanzierte OFID einen großen Konzertabend mit Marcel Khalife im Hof (Arkadenhof) des Wiener Rathauses.


Seit seiner Kindheit hat Direktor Al-Herbish Palästina geliebt. Dieses Gefühl wuchs mit ihm auf und hat in seiner „unbegrenzten Unterstützung für das Palästinensische Volk” gemündet. So viel sagte er in seiner Rede, die er anlässlich der Eröffnung des Events zur Feier von Jerusalem als Hauptstadt Arabischer Kultur gab. Die Feierlichkeiten wurden abgehalten unter der Anwesenheit der Botschafter von Saudi-Arabien und Marokko, Ärzte, Vertreter von Organisationen des Zivilen Lebens, Intellektuellen, Politikern und vielen Österreichern, die sich für die Arabische und Palästina interessieren.


Unter anderen waren anwesend der Botschafter der Arabischen Liga Dr. Michail Wehbe, die Botschafter von Marokko und Saudi-Arabien, Omar Al-Rawi (SPÖ) vom Wiener Stadtparlament, Dr. Tammam Kelani, Präsident von Austro-arabischen vereinigung von Ärzten und Apothekern, Dipl.Ing. Mouddar Khouja, Generalsekretär des Österreichisch-Arabischen Handelskammer, Mustafa Abbas, Präsident des Arabischen Kulturverbands, Mustafa Abed Al-Hadi, Palästinensische Forum, und vielee andere.

Die Gruppe „Al Quds“ für die palästinensische Kultur kam aus Jordanien, um die Feierlichkeiten zum Anlass „Jerusalem, Hauptstadt der Arabischen Kultur“, mit ihren Tänzen und Liedern zu beleben.

Fritz Edlinger, Dr. Zuheir Al-Wazir und Dr. Michail Wehbe bedankten 000_6906sich alle bei OFID für ihre Finanzierung des Ereignisses. Wenn ich Herrn Edlinger über Palästina spürechen höre, habe ich den Eindruck, dass er sich sehr dafür einsetzt, das Österreichische politische Publikum für die Palästinensische Angelegenheit zu interessieren, eine schwere und undankbare Arbeit. Ich habe leider auch den Eindruck, dass die Vertreter der veschiedenen Arabischen Gemeinden in Wien sich mehr für die Palästinenser interessieren, als jene die sich als die “Vertreter” unserer kleiner Gemeinde ausgeben. Mein Dank geht an alle Freunde Palästinas, und manchmal bereue ich die Harten Worte die ich in ihrer Richtung gesagt habe, als ich Fehler in ihrem Handeln sah.

Die Tanz- und Kulturgruppe „Al-Quds“ hat die Anwesenden mit einer reichen Darstellung der Palästinensischen Kultur erfreut, was mit häufigem und warmem Applaus empfangen wurde. Die Gruppe hat den Abend durch eine Darstellung von Tänzen mit dem singen des Palästinensischen Nationallieds beendet. Das Publikum hat im Stehen mitgesungen, um so ihren Respekt und ihre Wertschätzung des Liedes und des Palästinensischen Widerstands zum Ausdruck zu bringen.


Frauen von Vereinten Nationen

Frauen von Vereinten Nationen

[click on pictures to see them in full]


Im namen aller Kinder, denen Ihre Spends zugute kommet, danken wir Ihnen für Ihre grosszügige Unterstützun UNWG Wohltätikeitsveranstaltung. Der Erlös des International Charitz Bazzar geht an Kinderhilfsprojekte der UNWG. Danke

Am Samstag, dem 28. November 2009, wurde ein Internationaler Wohltätigkeitsbasar im Austria Center im 22. Bezirk gehalten, an dem die Delegationen von vielen Ländern teilnahmen. Der Erlös dieses Bazars ist für bedürftige Kinder.

Die Tätigkeit wurde durch die Fraueninnung der Vereinten Nationen in Wien (UNWG) organisiert.

Siehe Fotos über den Wohltätigkeitsbazar hier.


United Nations Women’s Guild of Vienna

On behalf of all the children who benefit from the International Charity Bazaar, thank you. Thank you

Saturday, Nov. 28 2009, an International Charity Bazaar was held in the Austria Center, in 22 district in which the delegations of many courtiers took part. The proceeds of this Bazaar is for children in need.

The activity was held by the United Nations Women’s Guild of Vienna.

See more photos about this charitable Bazaar activities.

by Kawther Salam

Syrian Community Celebrates Eid in Vienna

Syrian Community Celebrates Eid in Vienna

Read in German.

See more photos.

Last Sunday, November 29 2009, in the Modul Hotel in Vienna, a great, beautiful, 000_8140social evening was held by the Syrian Arab community, in which greetings and congratulations for Eid Al-Adha where exchanged. The celebration was well organized and interesting for everybody. Signs of pleasure, joy, and happiness were clear on the faces of the celebrants, who had a delicious dinner and listened to traditional music, which made everybody happy, and opened the appetites for a traditional dance among the attendants.

Dr. Ala-Eldine Halak, president of the Syrian community in Vienna, and Dr. Aktaa Mustafa, welcomed the celebrants with a warm smile, and wished joy and happiness to everybody.

The celebrants danced with their wives and their families. They danced spontaneously, with respect and good will. They were a beautiful company of celebrants, and they looked more beautiful with the popular musical heritage and dance. And the attendants looked even more happy when their friendly Ambassador, who came together with his wife, exchanged the Eid congratulations with the community.

[click on picture to see in full]


It should be noted that the attendees were from the elite of the Syrians and Arab communities in Vienna. We are proud of all of them, and we would like to see these elite persons representing us and our Arab communities before the Austrian society, instead of those who have already brought us Arabs a bad reputation before the Austrian society.

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Jerusalem Capital of Arab Culture

Auf Deutsch. See more photos

On Friday, Nov, 27 2009, on occasion of the celebration of “Jerusalem Capital of Arab Culture” in the “Haus der Begegnung” in Vienna, a great cultural and folklore evening was held under the auspices of Dr. Suleiman J. Al-Herbish, Director-General of the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), Fritz Edlinger, Secretary General Society for Austro-Arab Relation, “SAAR“, Dr. Zuheir Al-Wazir, Palestinian Ambassador, and the Palestinian Forum.

[click on large pictures to see in full]


Director Al-Herbish financed the event as a sign of the the support of his organization and of him personally for the rights of Palestinians, and also as a show of support for Jerusalem as Capital of Arab Culture. This was the second great event which financed by OFID this year. On 30 June 2009, and with coordination with SAAR, OFID financed a concert evening with Marcel Khalife in the courtyard (Arkadenhof) of the municipality in Vienna.

000_6681Since his childhood, Director Al-Herbish has felt love for Palestine. This feeling grew up with him and turned into unlimited support for the Palestinians. This was clear in his speech, delivered at the opening of the event, which was attended by Arab ambassadors, many doctors, representatives of institutions of civic life, intellectuals, politicians and many Austrian people who are interested in folklore and who are also pro-Palestinians. “click on the pictures to make them bigger”.

Among the attendance was Ambassador Dr. Michail Wehbe for the Arab League, the ambassadors of Morocco and Saudi Arabia, Omar Al-Rawi of the Vienna City Parliament, Dr. Tammam Kelani, President of Austro-Arab Union of doctors and pharmacists, Dipl.Ing. Mouddar Khouja, Secretary General of the Austro Arab Chamber of Commerce, Mustafa Abbas, president of the Arab Culture Union, Mustafa Abed Al-Hadi and Engineer Said Khadra, Palestinian Forum, and many others.


The Al Quds Group for Palestinian Culture came from Jordan to revive the Palestinian traditions with their dances and songs.

Fritz Edlinger, Dr. Zuheir Al-Wazir and Dr. Michail Wehbe all thanked OFID for 000_6889supporting the event. When I hear Mr. Edlinger speaking about Palestine, I have the impression that he works hard to bring the Palestinian issue to the Austrian political public, a work which is not easy and has few rewards. And also, my sad impression is that the representatives of the many other Arab communities in Vienna do more for the Palestinians that those who present themselves as the “leaders” of our small community here. My gratitude goes all these friends of Palestine, and sometimes I regret hard words I said when I saw errors.

Dr. Michail Wehbe stated in his speech that the celebration of “Jerusalem Capital of 000_6649aArab Culture” is a commitment to humanity and civilization and national rights for us, until the end of the occupation and the establishment of a Palestinian state. He said: “The practices of the Israeli occupation, the military siege and the continuous building of wild colonies will never erase Jerusalem from the memory of the Palestinians and the Arabs. Jerusalem stood as an obstacle through history in the face of colonialism, occupation, and invaders. It will remain with the struggle of Palestinians, the support the Arab nation, the lovers of peace and justice in the world as a Palestinian city and a capital of a Palestinian State.”


Dr. Wehbe condemned the continued judaization of Jerusalem, the demolition the Palestinian houses, the deportation of its citizens from their own homes and towns, and the imposition of taxes on Palestinian shops in order empty the city of Palestinian population, and the eradication its Islamic and Christian nature. He concluded his speech calling the Palestinians to unite in order to confront the Israeli occupation and its intransigence.

000_6678It is worth mentioning the Palestinian Ambassador gave a speech in which he stressed that Jerusalem will remain the capital of a Palestine and a Palestinian State with Arab culture.

The Jerusalem folklore and culture group presented a rich cultural shows and which admired and applauded warmly by everybody. The group concluded the evening with a show of dances and singing the Palestinian national anthem, which was repeated and sang and applauded by all the audience, who stood in respect of and to honor the Palestinian resistance.


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by Kawther Salam

Friday, November 27, 2009

Prostitutes Son to Represent Israel in Egypt

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Prostitutes Son to Represent Israel in Egypt

  • Will the great Arab State of Egypt approve the Switzerland UU Racism Conferenceappointment of Yitzhak (Itzhak, Isaac, Itzik) Levanon as ambassador of Israel to their nation? Levanon is the son of the first Israeli Madam, the mossad agent Shula Cohen, and the brother of David Kishik, head of a mafia of thieves and criminals operating out of the military headquarter Beit El. See files about corruption
  • Will the Jewish Agency succeed with its appointment of the son of a former prostitute and madam as an ambassador of Israel to a Muslim Arab nation?
  • Did the Egyptian government know that that Jewish Agency imposed the appointments of Itzhak Levanon and his brothers since over 37 years, and that Israel and it’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs do not have any influence or power to reject the appointments made by the Jewish Agency?

shuLevanon is a well known fanatical extremist speaker against the Palestinians. He defended the Israeli war crimes in Gaza, and commented on Goldstone report about these war crimes in Gaza during so called “Operation Cast Lead” last January, saying that the Israeli army does not need someone like Goldstone to tell them the investigate massacres.

On 22 November 2009, the Israeli Foreign Ministry announced the appointment of Itzhak Levanon as their new ambassador to Egypt.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry reported that the high committee for appointments at the ministry decided to appoint the “diplomat” Yitzhak Levanon, of age 65, as the new ambassador of Israel in Egypt, replacing the former Ambassador Shalom Cohen, who held this position for four years.

The ministry stated that Yitzhak Levanon had held several senior diplomatic positions in the past, including the positions of Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations organizations in Geneva, Consul of Israel to Canada, Consul General in Boston and Montreal, and he is currently serving as the director general for Arab Media relations at the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

An Israeli government source revealed that the new ambassador to Egypt, Itzhak Levanon , is the son of a former Israeli spy who was sentenced to death in Lebanon.

What the Israeli Foreign Ministry forgot to reveal and I think is necessary to reveal
to the Egyptians and the International public opinion is this:

Yitzhak Levanon is the son of Israel’s first Madam in Lebanon, “Shulamit Arazi Cohen” a.k.a. “Shulamit Cohen Kishik” a.k.a. “Schulamit Mayer Cohen” a.k.a. “Shula Cohen” who sold her favors to hundreds of high government officials in Lebanon between 1947 and 1961. She attended to her customers in her private house in the district of Wadi abu Jamil in Beirut among other locations.

The mother of Yitzhak Levanon, the First Israeli Madam Shula Cohen, was not only a spy in Lebanon but a mossad agent who worked there from the late 40s and until 1961. She part of a network which caused the bankruptcy of the Lebanese economy after transferring the money to the Zionist Agency, then to Israel, and she was also involved in “helping” Jews to immigrate to Israel after stealing everything they could from the various Arab countries.

Yitzhak Levanon was born in Lebanon and he stayed there while his prostitute mother was in jail. He was the only member of the family who visited his mother in jail while the other members of the family left Lebanon. This relation to the economic destruction of Lebanon is why he calls himself “Levanon” and not Cohen, or Kishik, or Mayer, as one would expect due to the names of his ancestors.

Yitzhak Levanon and his brother David Kishik received their positions in government since over 37 under the influence of the Jewish Agency, not because they were qualified, but as a rewards from the government to their prostitute mother for the destruction which she helped bring upon Lebanon. Kishik committed several crimes against Israelis, and is instigator, perpetrator and recipient of economic benefits from uncounted crimes of genocide, ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians in the West Bank. Read in Arabic

Yitzhak Levanon, and all his brothers and sisters, David, Berti, Meir, Yaffa, Carmela, and Arlet, carry different family names in order to hide their origins as the sons and daughters of a prostitute and madam.

History of Mayer-Cohen-Kishik Family

The family of Shula’s father is originally from Russia, emigrated from there to Argentina, then Iraq, later moved on to Lebanon, and later again they moved on to Palestine, where Shula’s uncles and brothers started engaging in acts of terrorism and crime against the native Palestinians. Shula later moved back to Lebanon after she married a rich jew from there in a marriage which was mediated by the rabbis.

David Kishik

David Kishik, the brother of Yitzhak Levanon and son of Shula, is named after an uncle of his who was killed in retaliation for his terrorist and criminal activities. David is a squatter in the West Bank, a criminal and a very dangerous orthodox extremist who lives at “Kochav Hashachar”, a zionist colony were the most radicals, criminals and extremists members of the religious community live. The colony was built on stolen Palestinian lands. Read in Hebrew

David is a corrupt officer who works with a group of zionist thugs, Shlomo Moskowitz, Rami Ekraii, Marko ben Shabat, Ora Ahabat, etc. at the israeli military headquarter in Beit El in the so-called “civil administration”, which is an organization subservient to the “Jewish Agency” while nominally belonging to the “State of Israel”.

Kishik is a chief “inspector” of theft and demolition of Palestinian houses in the West Bank. The beginning of the scandalous work of David Kishik at the military organization started over 35 years ago, when he received his position as an officer at the military headquarter in Beit El as a reward from the government to his prostitute mother Shula Cohen, like his brother Itzhak, who was given a position at the Israeli foreign ministry and later became a representative of Israel to various countries, until his recent appointment as an ambassador to Egypt.

david (32)

This administration covers up theft, fraud, genocide, crimes against humanity and bribery. It is in charge of controlling the Palestinian land in their own homeland, cities, towns, villages, refugee camps etc. Therefore, the civil administration is implementing two different policies, one for the criminal jewish colonists, and the another for the Palestinian victims. The civil administration, de-facto a covert subsidiary of the “jewish agency” has a policy of zero-tolerance for the “offenses” of Palestinians who are the owner of Palestinians lands, at the same time, a policy of “zero-enforcement” for Jewish criminals who steal the Palestinian land.

Within his activities for the civil administration, David Kishik is involved in the falsification of the land property records from the Turkish empire, the originals of which show clearly that all these jews have no relation or roots in the area, that they are merely criminal interlopers. There has been a decades long effort, probably also initiated by David Kishik or his partners in crime, to acquire the originals of these records from the archives of the Turkish Empire in Ankara.

Gil YohananDavid is known to having been involved in a murder attempt against a fellow jew who owned a gasoline station which David coveted. Criminal complaints over this and other crimes have been entered, but the office of the prosecutor, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz, has regularly dropped the investigations, the reason being that David and the rest of his family work for the “Jewish Agency” and are thus off-limits.

The criminal activity of David and his “team” composed of extremist jewish squatters from USA and Europe is well known. The former heads of the “civil administration” in Beit El, among them Efraim Sneh, David Shafi, and others, recommended to end the employment of David Kishik and his friend Shlomo Moskowitz, but Israeli civil service commissioner of the time, Shmuel civil service commissioner Shmuel HollanderHollander (a Russian jew), ignored the recommendations of these officers, and he fixed their contracts to become first temporary, and later permanent. The government later gave David jeeps and helicopters so they could continue engaging in their criminal activities, even against the wishes of his fellow jews. His crimes were exposed in Yediot Ahronot in the year 2000, what forced the israeli war ministry at that time to investigate his activities. The conclusion of this commission, composed of 5 reserve generals, was to pass the issue on to the police and the justice, but, because the Kishik family belongs to the “jewish agency”, the case was shelved.

Another aspect of the activities of David is that he gives fraudulent “licenses” to fellow jews to contract factories (one case was a quarry) on looted Palestinian lands against participation in future proceeds, and that a great deal of property looted from Palestinians is put under his name and the names of various of his family members, among them his wife, his mother Shula and his brother Yitzhak Levanon, what places the whole family as beneficiaries of crimes against humanity and genocide committed and instigated by them against Palestinians native of the West Bank.

One example of the atrocities committed by David is the story of the Battir village in the district of Bethlehem. and the Al- Deheisheh refugee camp. David Kishik and his staff demolished houses given “license” and deemed legal by the civil administration, with the help of the Israeli soldiers. The Palestinian victims were evacuated harshly from their houses, they were not even allowed to take out their private things from their homes before the demolition of their properties. After these horrors, the civil administration ordered the owners to rebuild their homes again. David Kishik and Rami Ekraii claimed that they had “made a mistake”. But the fact is that David Kishik and his accomplices knew very well and before the crime that the demolished Palestinian houses were licensed. But they committed their crimes in a favor to the brother of Rami Ekraii (a civil administration officer) who had arrived with his bulldozer together with the them to the area, and who would not have accepted to go away without receiving payment for his crime.

Rami Ekraii and his Brother Yair

After the civil administration approves the demolition of the Palestinian homes, the implementation is subcontracted to two private companies. Each company which demolishes Palestinian homes earns thousands of shekels. Each year, thousands of homes are demolished in the West Bank, these companies collect millions. Without doubt, this criminal activity is a very profitable business. One of the companies carrying out the demolitions of Palestinian homes in the West Bank is “Yair Ekraii for Ensure”.

One brother orders the demolitions and the other brother carries out the demolition and cashes in, a very useful family relationship. There is no problem. Everything is “within the law” and the policy and civil administration and the jewish agency. Furthermore, Yair Ekraii makes even more money by building and selling houses in the Jewish squatter colonies in the west Bank. The money goes to the brothers. It’s “legal work” under the crazy “law” of the Jewish Agency. Nobody thinks twice about the partnership between these two brothers from hell.

This was a short review of the family of the future ambassador of Israel to Egypt. And in this family picture, it becomes clear what makes Israel so different from normal countries: only Israel has a “national hero” which is known to be a former prostitute and Madam, whose offspring are deeply implicated in horrendous crimes against Palestinians, and only Israel would send one of the sons of this crime family abroad as an “ambassador”, and, lest we forget, only Israel has as a “foreign minister” a mafia bouncer from Moldavia. Relevant international treaties, as well as its behavior, suggest that Israel is not a state, but a terrorist and criminal organization posing as a state, and this crew certainly does nothing to dispel that notion.

I wonder how official Egypt will like to have to do with somebody universally known to be the “son of a …”.


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by Kawther Salam

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Israeli Racist Discrimination in East of Jerusalem

Israeli Racist Discrimination in East of Jerusalem

“Israel” is it’s own worst enemy. Although after the countries gave Israel dereksrecognition as a State but this did not change it’s reality as an institution of Zionism. Institution of war criminals, institution of genocide, institution of war crimes and crimes against humanity. I wish that I could describe Israel as better than that. But the daily crimes committed against the occupied Palestinians, the sick people, force me to say more than that. It is a country with no morals, dignity or principles as if it came from another planet to occupy the earth and to torture the human beings.

It was 12:20 after mid night when I received the E-mail below,

Dear colleagues,

I am sending you what I received from Dr. Derek Summerfield, for your kind attention.

Dr. Tammam Kelani



19 November 2009

Ambulances Prevented from Entering Palestinian Neighborhoods in East Jerusalem
without Prior Approval or Police Escort

  • Magen David Adom (MDA) ambulances may not enter Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem to transfer injured or sick persons to hospital without a police escort, even in life threatening situations
  • Preventing ambulances from entering Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem without a police escort violates the residents’ right to life and health
  • Adalah, Physicians for Human Rights – Israel and Al Mezan Center for Human Rights sent an urgent letter to the Israeli Deputy Minister of Health and the Jerusalem Police Chief demanding the immediate cancellation of this policy.


Adalah, Physicians for Human Rights – Israel and Al Mezan Center for Human Rights sent an urgent letter to the Israeli Deputy Minister of Health and the Jerusalem Police Chief on 10 November 2009 demanding the immediate cancellation of instructions preventing Magen David Adom (MDA) ambulances from entering the Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem without prior permission and police escort even in emergency cases.

According to the instructions, the MDA ambulance must wait in a Jewish neighborhood adjacent to the Palestinian neighborhood and may not enter it to transfer the injured or the sick person to the hospital until a police escort arrives, even in life threatening situations. In many cases, the patient’s family members must transfer him/her in their own cars to the ambulance, which could increase the severity of the illness or injury and result in medical complications.

These procedures violate the first rule in the work of emergency crews, which is to provide medical aid as soon as possible, and the state’s obligation to ensure the life and physical well-being of each person under its authority. These practices may also be considered medical negligence by the MDA and a violation of professional and medical ethics. Further they may constitute cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under international law.

These instructions do not apply to Jewish settlements in the heart of Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem; the ambulances travel through the Arab neighborhoods to reach the Jewish settlements without any police accompaniment. A case in point is the settlement of Nof Tzion, located in the heart of the Jabal al-Mukaber neighborhood in south east Jerusalem; it is just separated by one street. The ambulances travel on this street on their way to the settlement, but refuse to enter this same street to transfer a Palestinian patient without police protection.

Mr. Fuad Abu Hamed is the “Clalit” health care clinic director in the Sur Baher neighborhood in East Jerusalem. He emphasized that when an ambulance is called to the clinic to transfer a patient to the hospital, it is forced to wait outside the neighborhood for a long time, even an hour or more until the police arrive to accompany it to the clinic. This delay sometimes leads to a significant deterioration in the patient’s condition or even death. Recently, an ambulance was called to the Silwan neighborhood to transfer a person suffering from angina to the hospital.

The ambulance waited for more than two hours at the entrance of the village; the police refused to accompany the ambulance claiming that a violent quarrel was taking place which could put its forces and the crew at risk.

Attorney Haneen Naamnih of Adalah argued in the letter that “these examples, among many others, prove that the considerations determining the work of the Israeli ambulances in Jerusalem are not objective; they do not take into account the seriousness of the patient’s condition but solely consider his/her nationality and place of residence in violation of the law.”

Ms. Reut Katz of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel stressed that “the police escort of ambulances to transport patients coupled with their presence alongside medical staff during the treatment process also constitutes a flagrant violation of the privacy rights and medical confidentiality of the patient.”

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by Kawther Salam

Monday, November 23, 2009

US & EU finance Israel Apartheid Wall

US & EU finance Israel Apartheid Wall

On Nov 10 2009, two days after the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the war criminal in Iraq, the envoy of the “Middle East Quartet”, the filthy Tony Blair, opened the occupational apartheid checkpoint “Jalama”, similar to and far greater than the Berlin Wall, which is built inside the Palestinian occupied territories on the stolen lands of the city of Jenin in the West Bank, and not on the borders of June 1967.

Ja (3)

The apartheid checkpoint “Jalama” was financed by USAID as one further scandalous support from the US to the jewish zionist thieves who come from the USA and Europe to steal Palestinian lands in the occupied territories. The celebration of the apartheid gateway was attended by the representatives of the State of Israel, the criminal Silvan Shalom, vice Prime Minister and Minister for Regional Development; the criminal Avishay Braverman, Minister of Minority Affairs, the indicted war criminal Matan Vilnai, and Deputy Minister of the war criminal Ehud Barak, the criminal Danny Atar, Head of Gilboa Regional squatters colonies council, a European delegation, representatives of the American Embassy, and Moussa Kadura, PA Governor of Jenin.

Thus, Europe with it’s delegation, and the presence of Tony Blair proved in a serious and practical ways the full support to the Israeli genocide, apartheid and the violent the theft of more Palestinian lands, and the de-facto demarcation of new borders of the state of occupation, contrary to the provisions of the International resolutions.

Before the existence of the Palestinian authority in Palestine, there was no check point at the entrance of Jenin. In 2000 the Israeli occupation set up stones, dirt, and earth and swept the main street at the entrance to Jenin to block the passage of vehicles and the movement of the Palestinian citizens. The situation continued for about two years. In 2002, The Israeli occupation set up a checkpoint at the entrance of Jenin in replacement to the stones. This was the first step of preparation for the massacre of 3–11 April, 2002. That Israeli military checkpoint became a permanent one until the USAID aided the building an apartheid separation border on the Palestinian lands.


The separation border “Jalama“ swallowed thousands dunums of Palestinian agricultural lands, cut apart Palestinian families and isolated them from reaching the farms which feed them, their property.

The miserable Blair, with the yellow smile which appeared on his wretched visage during the opening of the apartheid separation wall, did not forget to demand the Israeli occupation to open the crossing border completely over time. This dangerous European hypocrisy shows the collusion of Europeans and Americans to provide cover for Israeli violations of the Palestinian rights land, and their support for the occupational theft in a way which is made to appear to the public as humane and righteous, but in fact is dangerous and a clear crime of genocide.


The opening of this apartheid separation border “Jalama” on the Palestinian lands near Jenin, which was presented by the jewish-copntrolled media as a great event financed by USAID and opened by Europe to “help free Israeli-Palestinian social, commercial, and economical movement” is big lie and clearly an act in furtherance of apartheid and ethnic cleansing. It is a disgrace in the history of humanitarian and human rights, as it also shows the increasing lawlessness of a EU under the influence of zionism.

Some important facts which the zionist-controlled media and Blair did not mention are the Israeli restrictions imposed on every Palestinian who wants to cross the border. They are forced to ask for a special Israeli permission, what is always used by the Israeli spy agencies to blackmail the permit applicants in order to make them to spy on other Palestinians.

Few hours after opening the gate in the apartheid separation wall and after the jewish-controlled media left the place, the usual tragedies at the checkpoint resumed their normal course. Hundreds of Palestinians were standing in long rows, sitting in small rooms. Hundreds of cars were stopped and waiting for some zionist drug dealers of the Israeli IDF soldiers to check them and allow them passage to return to their homes, all the while the IDF soldiers were enjoying their sadistic humiliation of the people, even of those who carried the Israeli ID. The make up which the criminal Blair put on the dirty face of zionism was removed as the guns of the IDF soldiers were again pointed at the chests of Palestinians civilians. That is the reality of Jalama crossing.

A few days before EU-USA-Israel opened their apartheid crossing “Jalama”, on 25 October 2009, one woman with israeli ID and two children fell unconscious at the crossing. These Palestinians waited for six hours at the Jalama crossing.

According to Jaber Abd al-Hamid (44), an Israeli-Arab resident of a West Bank town who was among those present, told Arab newspapers “I went with four relatives to visit a family in the Jenin area who lost their son. We returned to the crossing at around 4:30 PM and we saw that there was a long line of people waiting. I asked why people weren’t being allowed in and I was told there was an even longer line inside.”

Ja (4)

Others who were at the border that day told Al-Hamid, who arrived the border at six PM, that they had been waiting since 2:30 PM. “After some time we were let in through the first gate and we entered the crowded waiting room. Inside the room, which I estimate to be no bigger than 80 square meters squared (about 10m x 8m), there were about 200 people waiting, including many women and children”. “There was nowhere to sit and nothing to eat. The entire time only a thin trickle of people passed through the security checks into Israel, while waiting in the room a woman fainted and fell on the floor. The people yelled at a soldier that children were unconscious. Instead of responding, the jew cocked his gun towards them. It is a disgrace that we are treated like that.”

This is the reality of Blair and the EU-US-Israel “Jalama” apartheid wall crossing. It’s the same story at Bethlehem, Tarqumia, Qalandia, Howarah and hundreds of other checkpoints which were turned into apartheid crossing gates between the Palestinian towns and cities. They are all clearly intended to further genocide and implement apartheid, what is probably why Blair was celebrating.

The Participation of Moussa Kadura, the PA governor, and other Palestinian officials in the opening ceremony of the apartheid crossing “Jalama” is disgrace, a shame and a scandal. The “Jalama” crossing is a gate in the “apartheid wall” which is inside Palestinian territory. The PA representatives in this shameful celebration were not representing the Palestinian national and political demands. These “Judenräte” all represented themselves, their pockets and their continued collusion with the American-Israeli project to destroy Palestine and Palestinians


by Kawther Salam

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Israel Arrests Palestinian Security Forces

Link in title

Israel Arrests Palestinian Security Forces

The Palestinian Authority “PA” covered up the news that on last Friday 20 November 2009, the Israelis arrested five senior Palestinian intelligence officers near the town of Salfit in the north of the West Bank which is under it’s power, among them the regional intelligence commander for Salfit, Mohammad Abdel Hamid. The Palestinian Authority also hushed up the fresh news of the Israeli arrest on Nov. 21 2009 of three Palestinian security officers in the north-east of Qalqilya in the West Bank. The detainees are Ayoub Mohammed Khaled and Mohammad Fayez Shamasneh, from the PA national security forces, and Anwar Aziz Mustafa, from the military police, and two members of Fatah, Jihad Abdel-Halim Shamasneh and Nour Aziz Beda.


According to Palestinian eyewitnesses, these persons did not defend themselves during the arrest by Israeli occupation soldiers.

Military sources said that the Palestinian National Authority forbids their security elements from using their weapons in self defense when they are arrested or mistreated by the israelis, or when these invaders assault and ransack Palestinian towns or cities.

The sources confirmed that the Palestinian security forces are controlled by the PA agreements which they signed with Israel, which forbid the PA from using their weapons against Israel.

Today, at late time, the Palestinian Authority confirmed the arrest of their forces and claimed that Israel released the five officers of the General Intelligence Service.

The PA claimed that the arrest of its officer was the first time in about three years and that they were apparently made on the backdrop of an investigation being carried out by the General Intelligence Service against a Palestinian who is suspected of collaborating with Israel. According to the same news, talks and meetings were being hold between the PA and Israel in efforts to release the Palestinian security officers.


Contradicting Palestinian sources revealed additional details about the circumstances of the Palestinian officer’s arrest. According to these news, US general Keith Dayton was personally involved in passing security information to Israel which led to the arrest of the Palestinian officers. The sources condemned the farce of the PA regime in dealing with the Israeli occupation and the lack of will and ability to protect the Palestinian people and its forces.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Discussion About Christians in the Middle East

اقرا بالالمانية والانجليزية ما دار في النقاش الذي اداره حزب اليمين "او فاو بي" في ندوته ونقاشه الذي انعقد يوم الاربعاء الثامن عشر من شهر نوفمبر الجاري

اضطهاد وابادة وقتل وتمييز وخطف واعتقال وظلم وقهر وتهجير ... هذه الكلمات المريرة والقاسية وغيرها سمعتها جميعا بالامس في المؤتمر المسائي الذي انعقد في الاكاديمية السياسية للحزب اليميني "او فاو بي" في الحي الثاني عشر في فينا تحت عنوان التمييز والقمع والاضطهاد للمسيحيين في الشرق الأوسط.

ووفقا لما ذكره المتحدثون. في كثير من بلدان العالم ، بما في ذلك في الشرق الأوسط هناك تمييز بين افراد الشعب الواحد من اصحاب الأديان المختلفة الذين يعيشون في دولة واحدة تخضع لنفس القوانين. هناك القليل من الحرية الدينية التي تمنح للمسيحيين في مصر والعراق و وطهران و... بسبب عقيدتهم

by Kawther Salam

Persecution, genocide, murder, discrimination, kidnapping, arrest, conquer, injustice, immigration … These and other cruel and bitter words I have heard yesterday evening during a conference which was held at the Political Academy of ÖVP in the 12 district in Vienna about “Discrimination, Oppression and Persecution of Christians in the Middle East“.

000_6546According to the speakers, “in many countries of the world, including the Middle East, there is discrimination between peoples of different religion who live in the same country and under the same laws. There is little religious freedom for Christians in Egypt, Iraq, Iran … because of their faith”.

excerpt from: Discussion About Christians in the Middle East English

Read in German
by Kawther Salam

Discussion About Christians in the Middle East

Read in German

Persecution, genocide, murder, discrimination, kidnapping, arrest, conquer, injustice, immigration … These and other cruel and bitter words I have heard yesterday evening during a conference which was held at the Political Academy of ÖVP in the 12 district in Vienna about “Discrimination, Oppression and Persecution of Christians in the Middle East“.

000_6546According to the speakers, “in many countries of the world, including the Middle East, there is discrimination between peoples of different religion who live in the same country and under the same laws. There is little religious freedom for Christians in Egypt, Iraq, Iran … because of their faith”.

This is very sad and true, but it is part of the bitter political realities which the Christians experience in these countries. It is also in great part due to the political bankruptcy of the regimes of these various countries. Restriction of religious freedoms is also a part of the occupation policy, for example like what had happened to the Christians in Iraq under the American occupation.

Yesterday, in a hall of the Political Academy of the ÖVP (an Austrian rightist party) was 000_6525afull of participants in a conference about religious repression against Christians throughout the world. Among them were many representatives of the Christian communities in several Arab countries, a group of persons from the Egyptian Christian Coptic community in Vienna, interested Austrians, academics, journalists and representatives of the church and the media. “Click of the pictures to make them bigger”.

The audience listened to the speakers carefully. All speakers stressed the policy of discrimination and restriction of religious freedoms against Christians, and violations of their rights, in the Arab countries.

During the introduction of the conference, it was mentioned that Christians are most discriminated against in “formerly soviet countries”, with Muslim states being in third place, so it surprised me to subsequently hear bitter complaints regarding discrimination against Christians exclusively against Muslim countries. I was aghast listening at some of the things I heard.

It should be noted that none of the speakers which I heard at the 000_6524aconference referred in their speeches to the serious violations of human rights and religious freedoms by the State of the Zionist occupation against the Christians in Palestine.

They did not provide any statistics on the number of the deported, wounded and the martyrs and detainees of the Christians faith under the Israeli occupation since 62 years.

They did not provide statistics on the Israeli crimes, the burning of several Churches in Jerusalem and Nazareth. I will try to (partially) fill the void which they left.


Discrimination against Christians was not mentioned for Palestine, and I ROM04_hhfound it disconcerting that in no way it is mentioned that most of all discrimination against Christians in Palestine comes from the zionists, but this somehow seems to be something fit only to be swept under the rug, and that there is religious discrimination in Arab countries which does not stem from Islam. In this regard I find the attitude of the Catholic church regarding the Catholic community in Gaza most interesting.

In 2008, the catholic priest of the community, Monsignor Emmanuel Musallam, complained about the blockade on side of Israel and tried to get help from the Christian world. His words fell on deaf ears. Next, during the massacre of last January, he tried to ask for intervention from the Catholic hierarchy in order to protect his community. I do DSCN4119not remember that the Catholic church of Rome did anything. Forward to May of this year 2009, the Pope visited “Israel”. He did not visit the Catholic community of Gaza despite repeated public requests from Monsignor Mussalam. What I and many others who followed that visit in the media remember, is that the Pope spent a couple of days grovelling to the Zionists, who accused the Catholic Church of ignoring the Jews and who are directly culpable of most of the problems befalling the Christians of the “Holy Land”, rather than giving support to one of the most grief-stricken Christian communities of the world.

Under such circumstances, when even the highest dignitaries of the Catholic Church ostentatiously abandon their own brothers and sisters in faith, when most of the crimes against Christians are perpetrated by the Bethlehem Apartheid wall.zionists, is it not strange to forget the chapter of Palestine in the speeches altogether?

Our worried speakers failed to mention the Israeli checkpoints which prevent Christians from access to the churches in Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Nazareth.
They did not speak about the obstacles faced by the Christian pilgrims who wish to perform Hajj (pilgrimage) in Palestine.

The city of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ, has been turned by the Israeli zionists into a concentration camp, an open-air prison, horrors which were not known even in the time of the Nazis and Hitler. That the people of the “Holy Land”, Christians and Muslims alike, are slowly dying of hunger and destitution at the hands of the Zionists, is also dutifully censored by the Austrian national TV when they show footage of Austrian children visiting the “Holy Land” to light candles during Christmas.

Three Other Events Which Merit Mention in This Context:

A fire “broke out” on 22 October 2007 in a Baptist church in West Jerusalem. The same church had already set on fire in 1982. The churchperpetrators remain conveniently unknown.

Nobody speaks about the huge trauma which happened to the Christians in the Church of Annunciation in Nazareth when extremist jews from the area threw explosives and incendiaries into the church on 3 March 2006 during a religious ceremony, burning and injuring many of the members of that Christian community.

On 23 May 2008 the assistant major of the town of Ori Yehuda, of the extremist party Shas, burnt Christian bibles before hundreds of students of a yeshiva, an institution where religious extremists are taught.

Dr. Alex Awad.Dr. Bishara Awad, priest and director of the of Bethlehem Bible College, and the professor and priest Dr. Alex Awad, the author of the books “The Muslims, My Neighbors” both of them are Palestinians with an American citizenship, could speak for weeks about the genocide and the crimes against humanity committed by the zionist occupation against the Christians in Palestine. It would be necessary to mention these crimes within the long list of crimes against Christians in the Middle East.

But the question remains: Why do not Christians talk in conferences held in Europe over the crimes of the Jews and the Zionist occupation against the Christians in Palestine?

The Israeli occupation is a big threat to the Church and the Christians, a much greater danger than the one which comes from the governments of some Arab countries in the Middle East. Why are politicians, high religious dignitaries, journalists afraid to talk about Israel’s crimes against Christians?

Was the aim of this event to find a serious solution to the problem of Christians in the Middle East, or was it just to incite against some countries under the policy of Europe and USA?


The situation of the Christians in Iraq was also mentioned by one of the speakers. The 000_6552asituation of the Christians in Iraq is indeed horrible in these days. There have been Christian communities in Iraq for thousands of years, long before Europe became Christian. These communities have always been integrated into society, before and during Islam. Even during the years of the regime of Saddam Hussein, the Christians of Iraq were not persecuted, their troubles started with the US invasion, and they are due to the many guerillas, death squads and groups of extremists which are trained, protected and financed by the USA and their partners in crime, the other western countries currently present in Iraq. This “small” fact was obviously forgotten by the person speaking about the troubles of the Christians of Iraq. Why would that be?


The troubles of the Christians in Egypt was also mentioned by one of the speakers, who 000_6549athe term “cultural genocide” when describing their situation. The situation of the Christians in Egypt is indeed terrible. While Christians and other non-Muslim communities are nominally protected under the law, groups of extremists harass these communities with all kind of violent acts. One of the disgraceful acts which are perpetrated against the Coptic Christians is the kidnapping of young girls and engaging them in forced marriages to Muslims.

But like in Iraq, Egypt is home to some of the oldest Christian communities of the world, which have traditionally been integrated into society, and here, equally, the speaker conveniently forgot to mention the “small” fact that the troubles of the Christians in Egypt started when Anwar Al-Sadat signed peace agreements with Israel, and worsened under Hosni Mubarak, an autocratic dictator installed by the USA.

The Mubarak regime has no legitimacy among the people, it is politically bankrupt and can exist only due to a massive repression apparatus financed by USA and EU; the disaffection within the population of Egypt with this regime has led a significant part of the population under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Since the brotherhood and religious groups opposed to the regime in their 000_6521ainfluence are too powerful to be repressed, an implicit understanding between both factions reigns in the country: the regime allows the brotherhood more or less free hand in their doings, provided that these religious groups do not interfere in politics or stand effectively against the interests of the regime. The atrocities against the Christians occur in this context, which the speaker at the ÖVP event did not mention.

I perfectly understand that, as Christians, the participants in this event would be worried about the Christians living in other countries. I think that this is perfectly legitimate. The aspect of this discussion which I find definitely questionable is that, while various speakers complain that it is forbidden under law (“sharia”, a term often used) in Muslim countries to proselytize, the overall aim of the event seemed to me to be 000_6522amore about demonizing Muslims and Islamic law and customs than about anything else, and this within a circle of people who seemed to me to definitely have the connections and the resources needed to carry forward political projects with potentially troublesome consequences for the peace of all those living in Austria at their disposition, and under the auspices of a political party which is currently represented in the government of Austria.

Supposing that a betterment of the situation of the Christian populations living in Arab and Muslim countries is what was wanted by the organizers and speakers during this event, then, instead of exacerbating tensions between Christians and Muslims at the expense of these Christian minorities, instilling animosities against Muslims at home and tolerating and justifying genocide against Muslims abroad is decidedly not the way to go.

The first priority for anybody interested in a betterment in the situation of Christians in 000_6532aall Muslim countries should be to use all possibilities to force Israel to respect international humanitarian law, to respect exactly all UN resolutions regarding the situation in Palestine, to make it clear to the “State of Israel” that the they must stop their crimes against non-jews immediately.

The immediate next priority towards the betterment of the situation of Christians in Arab and Muslim countries is for the western countries to end all support for all the corrupt and autocratic regimes in these countries, and equally to stop funding extremist deleterious movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Wahabism, which are products of western secret services.

I think that peace between Muslims and Christians is possible and within DSC_0031reach, but what I saw at the political academy of the ÖVP makes me doubt that peace is really what is wanted by some. Who wants to talk about peace between peoples or religions, he should not play with fire.

Something I learned in the land of the prophet Jesus, where I was born, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those who have his good will!”. This is what my Muslim father taught me too.

15 Demands from Vienna Akademikerbundes to the Muslim Community

[Click on picture to see full picture]conference1